Thread: v1.18.x release schedule

v1.18.x release schedule

David Elbert

Apologies if I missed this somewhere online, but I am wondering: when will pgadmin version 1.18.2 or higher be released?  I made a bug report in February and Dinesh Kumar kindly let me know it had been fixed, but I still haven't seen a release of a new version incorporating that fix at:

Is there a regular schedule for update releases or is it a complex function of programmer time, level of problems with the current release, etc?

Thanks and thanks for all the team does to make a great utility available-

David Elbert
Associate Program Director for Environmental Studies,
Advanced Academic Programs &
Earth and Planetary Sciences
Olin Hall
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21218

(410) 516-5049

Re: v1.18.x release schedule

Guillaume Lelarge
On Thu, 2014-04-03 at 12:05 -0400, David Elbert wrote:
> Hi-
> Apologies if I missed this somewhere online, but I am wondering: when will pgadmin version 1.18.2 or higher be
released? I made a bug report in February and Dinesh Kumar kindly let me know it had been fixed, but I still haven't
seena release of a new version incorporating that fix at:
> Is there a regular schedule for update releases or is it a complex function of programmer time, level of problems
withthe current release, etc?

It's more like: next minor release of PostgreSQL if we find the time.
