Hi,<br /><br />in data view when a query returns error, message isn't displayed,<br />create 2 table table1 and table2,
thenopen table1 data view with filter: id=(SELECT table1_id FROM table2),<br />an empty grid appears, maybe better to
displayerror message (query has an error: "more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression").<br />
(PGAdmin1.14.3, PostgreSQL 9.1.4, Windows XP x86)<br /><br /><br />here is sql for table and data:<br />CREATE TABLE
table1<br/>(<br /> id serial NOT NULL,<br /> description character varying(50),<br /> CONSTRAINT table1_pkey PRIMARY
KEY(id )<br /> )<br />WITH (<br /> OIDS=FALSE<br />);<br />CREATE TABLE table2<br />(<br /> id serial NOT NULL,<br
/> table1_id integer NOT NULL,<br /> description character varying(50),<br /> CONSTRAINT table2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id
)<br/>)<br />WITH (<br /> OIDS=FALSE<br />);<br />INSERT INTO table1 (description) VALUES ('a');<br />INSERT INTO
table1(description) VALUES ('b');<br />INSERT INTO table1 (description) VALUES ('c');<br /><br />INSERT INTO table2
(table1_id,description) VALUES (1, 'aa');<br /> INSERT INTO table2 (table1_id, description) VALUES (2, 'bb');<br
/>INSERTINTO table2 (table1_id, description) VALUES (3, 'cc1');<br />INSERT INTO table2 (table1_id, description) VALUES
(4,'cc2');<br /><br />