Thread: pgAdmin object tree still breaks on reconnect to DB

pgAdmin object tree still breaks on reconnect to DB

Josh Berkus
Version: 1.14.1
Platform: OSX 10.5


(1) connect to a remote database server with multiple user databases
(2) select one database and browse its objects
(3) open several query windows
(4) lose connection to database server (SSH tunnel down)
(5) reconnect to the database in a query window
(6) go to the object browser
(7) click "refresh" on any object
(8) get disconnect error message
(9) the database you were browsing *disappears* from the object browser,
even though you reconnect to the remote server and can browse other
databases on that server
(10) that database can only be browsed again if you shut down pgadmin
and restart it.  Otherwise, it remains invisible.

Good luck with this one ...

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.