Thread: can't delete a database which does not exist

can't delete a database which does not exist

Paul Garner
I am on OS X Lion with pgAdmin 1.14.1

I have a database in my list of databases on localhost, when I click on it I get a "FATAL: does not exist" error

I get the same error when I try to Delete/Drop it.

I'm not sure where it gets the list of dbs from, but this entry is stuck there now.


Re: can't delete a database which does not exist

Guillaume Lelarge
On Fri, 2012-01-27 at 11:35 +0000, Paul Garner wrote:
> I am on OS X Lion with pgAdmin 1.14.1
> I have a database in my list of databases on localhost, when I click on it
> I get a "FATAL: does not exist" error
> I get the same error when I try to Delete/Drop it.
> I'm not sure where it gets the list of dbs from, but this entry is stuck
> there now.

I don't know what to say. There is nothing here that helps me to
reproduce the error. Can you give use more details on your cluster?
what's the name of the database for example? is there any other error
messages in the logs?

PostgreSQL Sessions #3:

Re: can't delete a database which does not exist

Guillaume Lelarge
On Fri, 2012-01-27 at 23:36 +0000, Paul Garner wrote:
> sorry, I wasn't clear.
> it's just a dev server on my mac, connecting to itself via localhost
> postgresql 9.1
> the db in question ('anentropic_pgb') really doesn't exist, so I guess
> maybe the list of dbs that get displayed by the UI under that server
> get written to a file somewhere and it's not getting refreshed
> properly in some situation?

Nope. We don't put in cache any information (apart from system and user
types IIRC). For sure, we don't put in file a list of objects, whatever
they are. Try to quit pgadmin and launch it again. If it still appears,
then the database is in your system.

PostgreSQL Sessions #3: