Thread: FW: Connecting to postgresql with pdadmin III

FW: Connecting to postgresql with pdadmin III

"David M. Gullever"
Hi everyone,

this is the second time that I have tried a postgresql installation on my
laptop. Last time I dropped it (not the laptop - the installation) - in
frustration & other things to - but now I would really like to get a handle
on this. 

The situation so far...
straight Debian-Lenny install on my laptop (no ethernet installation because
Debian does not recognise my atheros adapter - to be fixed later). 

Nevertheless ifconfig reports..
lo inet addr: Mask:
so a localhost connection should work and this has an entry in /etc/hosts.

Straight forward apt postgresql installation - ok
su postgres (no password and because this is just a laptop test, I don't
want a password !!!)
create database test - ok, 
works - so I can work with psql on the terminal

Apt Installation pgadmin III - ok
Want to connect to a database
Menu appears and I fill in
Name            test
Host            localhost
Port            5432
Maintainance DB    postgres
Username        postgres
StorePassword    (not clicked)
Restore env?    (not clicked)

OK - and it didn't work !!!
Error conneting to the server: 
fe_sendauth no password supplied (I assume this means the postmaster
password and not the linux system password). Again - I have not given
postgres a password and do not want to - wil will do if I am forced to do

Help documentation offers the following...
If you select "Store password", pgAdmin stores passwords you enter in the
~/.pgpass file under *nix or %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf under Win32
for later reuse. For details, see pgpass documentation. It will be used for
all libpq based tools. If you want the password removed, you can select the
server's properties and uncheck the selection any time.

So of course I clicked pgpass documentation...
An error has occured - unable to open requested HTML document:
I tried clicking various other help links - which also errored out

Also pg_hba.conf tells me the following - so I can't see any problems there
(or perhaps I'm missing something)


# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only

local   all         all                               ident sameuser

# IPv4 local connections:

host    all         all          md5

# IPv6 local connections:

host    all         all         ::1/128               md5.

This must be the most straight forward, out-of-the-box installation
imaginable and it doesn't work (not for the first time) - and there is ???
no (scant) documentation available. 

Appreciate all the help I can get

Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons
For you are crunchy and good with Mustard
David M. Gullever