On Wed, 2011-09-21 at 14:04 +0000, Steve Erickson wrote:
> I'm using pgAdmin 1.12.3 on Mac OSx. I have functions that use a Type rowtype to hold the results of a query. When
Ichange the query to add/remove columns, I also change the Type, then do a drop, then create, and get a success
message. However, I then need to drop and create all dependent objects, including functions. If I don't, users will
getan error. Refreshing the database in pgAdmin shows the type has indeed changed, but users will still get an error
untilI drop and create the affected object (function).
> Earlier versions of pgAdmin would give an error when dropping a Type, letting me know what objects were dependent on
thatType. I would then do the drop with cascade, then create the function(s) affected.
I'm sure I understand your issue. IIUC, this seems more an issue with
PostgreSQL than pgAdmin. If I'm wrong, can you supply a small test case?
Guillaume http://blog.guillaume.lelarge.info http://www.dalibo.com