Thread: Debugger issue.

Debugger issue.

Piotr Czekalski
Hello there again.

Is there anything one can do about changing debugger behaviour?
When I debug a plpgsql functions that consists of more than one screen 
of source code, the debugger shows annoying behaviour ;-)
- as I reach the bottom line of the view area of code debugged (i.e. 
running step by step or hitting breakpoint), when I scroll down the 
screen to see the following code (few next lines) and hit next step, a 
kind of "auto scroll" behaviour occurs and the screen is scrolled back 
that only about 1,5 lines of code is visible under the code. It would be 
nice if debugger didn't correct viewport every debug step but only when 
necessary (i.e. when row focused is loosing viewport because of action 
performed). The behavior is simple to reproduce (tested on Fedora 14 
x86_64 and Windows 2008 / 7):

Write a function with about 50-60 lines of source code, start debugging, 
go step by step, once you hit bottom line of viewport, scroll that 
focuset line is somewhere upper, i.e. about middle of viewport the 
continue debugging (hit next step).
Debugger will make your focus right at the bottom.




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