Thread: PITR WAL Archive error on idle database

PITR WAL Archive error on idle database

Hi,<br /><br />I am new to Postgres and installed postgres 8.3.7 build 1200 Windows 2003 server .<br /><br />I have
implementedPITR with WAL shipping which takes one full backup and an hourly backup of the WAL files through backup
scripts.Thebackup script is just copying the files after pg_switch_xlog().<br /><br />On Saturday of last week, backups
startedto fail and following error was throw in the logs:<br /><br />2009-08-28 23:26:55.357 EDT,5648,LOG:  archive
commandfailed with exit code 1<br /><br />2009-08-28 23:26:55.357 EDT,5648,DETAIL:  The failed archive command was:
call"E:\Entrust\Security Manager\bin\ARCHWAL.BAT" "pg_xlog\0000000100000003000000E2"<br /><br /><b>The DB was in an
idlestate and no activities were being performed on it when the issue appeared. </b><br /><br />Later on with some
analysis,I checked there was a file with same name in archive_status directory but with .ready, so I renamed that file
andit looks the problem got resolved,but after an hour when backup script ran again it throws similar error but with
differentname. <br /><br />postgresql1.log:2009-08-31 17:41:35.117 EDT,5648,WARNING:  transaction log file
"000000010000000400000010"could not be archived: too many failures<br /><br />postgresql1.log:2009-08-31 17:42:37.226
EDT,5648,WARNING: transaction log file "000000010000000400000010" could not be archived: too many failures<br /><br
/><br/>All the parameters in postgresql.conf are default.<br /><br />Can I know the reason as why it is happening and
howcan I resolve it.<br /><br />Regards<br />Abhishek<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> 

PITR WAL Archive error on idle database

<br /><div class="gmail_quote"><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204);
margin:0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">Hi,<br /><br />I am new to Postgres and installed postgres 8.3.7 build
1200Windows 2003 server .<br /><br />I have implemented PITR with WAL shipping which takes one full backup and an
hourlybackup of the WAL files through backup scripts.The backup script is just copying the files after
pg_switch_xlog().<br/><br />On Saturday of last week, backups started to fail and following error was throw in the
logs:<br/><br />2009-08-28 23:26:55.357 EDT,5648,LOG:  archive command failed with exit code 1<br /><br />2009-08-28
23:26:55.357EDT,5648,DETAIL:  The failed archive command was: call "E:\Entrust\Security Manager\bin\ARCHWAL.BAT"
"pg_xlog\0000000100000003000000E2"<br/><br /><b>The DB was in an idle state and no activities were being performed on
itwhen the issue appeared. </b><br /><br />Later on with some analysis, I checked there was a file with same name in
archive_statusdirectory but with .ready, so I renamed that file and it looks the problem got resolved,but after an hour
whenbackup script ran again it throws similar error but with different name. <br /><br />postgresql1.log:2009-08-31
17:41:35.117EDT,5648,WARNING:  transaction log file "000000010000000400000010" could not be archived: too many
failures<br/><br />postgresql1.log:2009-08-31 17:42:37.226 EDT,5648,WARNING:  transaction log file
"000000010000000400000010"could not be archived: too many failures<br /><br /><br />All the parameters in
postgresql.confare default.<br /><br />Can I know the reason as why it is happening and how can I resolve it.<br /><br
/>Regards<br/>Abhishek<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /></blockquote></div><br />