Thread: pgadmin 1.10.0 Beta 4, rev: 7855M ; Error: must be superuser to examine "shared_preload_libraries"

Hello,<br /><br />in testing 1.10.0 Beta 4 on windows, I get the above quoted error when clickin on a plpgsql
function.<br/><br />it just appears once per pgadmin session, but is not really helpfull: i never asked to examine
shared_preload_libraries.<br/><br />Harald<br clear="all" /><br />-- <br />GHUM Harald Massa<br />persuadere et
programmare<br/>Harald Armin Massa<br />Spielberger Straße 49<br />70435 Stuttgart<br />0173/9409607<br />no fx, no
carrierpigeon <br />-<br />LASIK good, steroids bad?<br /> 
On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Massa, Harald Armin<> wrote:
> Hello,
> in testing 1.10.0 Beta 4 on windows, I get the above quoted error when
> clickin on a plpgsql function.
> it just appears once per pgadmin session, but is not really helpfull: i
> never asked to examine shared_preload_libraries.

Standard message from PG. It's already been fixed :-)

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK: