Thread: pgAdmin no Job node

pgAdmin no Job node

Ignacio Rojas
<font size="-1"><font face="DejaVu Sans Mono">Hi all!<br /> My current pgAdmin III version is 1.8.4 installed on Ubuntu
8.10Intrepid Ibex on a 64bit machine. I'm trying to use the pgAgent.<br /> I did the following step to try to configure
it.<br/><br /> 1) create a database from the command line<br /><br /> $ createdb -U ignacio test<br /><br /> 2) create
plpgsqllanguage<br /><br /> $ createlang -U ignacio plpgsql dbname<br /><br /> 3) open pgadmin, open localhost server
connectto dbname and run the script locate on /usr/share/pgadmin3/pgagent.sql<br /><br /> 4) i run pgagent
hostaddr=locahostdbname=test user=ignacio<br /><br /> 5) Hit refresh button<br /><br /> And nothing... Whats wrong, any
ideas?Tks...<br /><br /><br /></font></font><br />-- <br />Este mensaje ha sido analizado por <a
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Re: pgAdmin no Job node

Dave Page
On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 3:33 PM, Ignacio Rojas <> wrote:
> Hi all!
> My current pgAdmin III version is 1.8.4 installed on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid
> Ibex on a 64bit machine. I'm trying to use the pgAgent.
> I did the following step to try to configure it.
> 1) create a database from the command line
> $ createdb -U ignacio test
> 2) create plpgsql language
> $ createlang -U ignacio plpgsql dbname
> 3) open pgadmin, open localhost server connect to dbname and run the script
> locate on /usr/share/pgadmin3/pgagent.sql
> 4) i run pgagent hostaddr=locahost dbname=test user=ignacio
> 5) Hit refresh button
> And nothing... Whats wrong, any ideas? Tks...

I'm guessing you missed the part of the docs that said to run the
pgagent.sql script in the postgres database :-)

That should also be the database that your have pgAgent connect to,
and the one that pgAdmin initially connects to (which is the case by
default - check the Maintenance Database option on the Server

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:

Re: pgAdmin no Job node

Dave Page
[Please keep replies on-list]

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 5:17 PM, Ignacio Rojas <> wrote:
> YES! Jobs enabled! now how would you recomend me to install the pgagent at
> the startup of my ubuntu? cause in the documentation said that it is system
> specific, will it work if i set the "pgagent hostaddr=locahost dbname=test
> user=ignacio" instruction it on my /etc/rc.local? and what does this
> instruction exactly do? should i use it for every database that i want to
> install a job to? or i just have to use it for only one? the postgres
> database perphaps? Tks.

You only need to setup one instance (per server*) to connect to the
postgres database. When you define your jobs in pgAdmin, you can
specify which database the step should execute in.

I'm not an Ubuntu expert, but you probably need to create a script in
/etc/init.d which will start and stop pgAgent. Look at one of the
other existing scripts in their to use as a basis for yours. I think
you then use update-rc.d to install the script in the appropriate
runlevels on Ubuntu (I'm more of a Redhat guy - we use chkconfig).

* The next version of pgAgent will allow steps to operate on remote
servers as well

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK: