Thread: Error connect on user other then postgres (in Sql Editor

Error connect on user other then postgres (in Sql Editor

"Соболь А.Е."
In Sql query tools, you kill connect on user other then "postgres". I 
don`t can connect on other user for test security system :(


Re: Error connect on user other then postgres (in Sql Editor

"Dave Page"
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 5:30 AM, "Соболь А.Е." <> wrote:
> In Sql query tools, you kill connect on user other then "postgres". I don`t
> can connect on other user for test security system :(

Do you mean you need to connect as a different user than you're
connected in the main GUI as? If so, you can either start the query
tool on it's own from the command line, using the username of your
choice, or setup a second connection in the main treeview that
connects as the alternate user (that's what I usually do).

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:

Re: Error connect on user other then postgres (in Sql Editor

"Dave Page"
On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 9:07 AM, "Соболь А.Е." <> wrote:
> Yes, I want connect as user in main GUI.

OK, so you need to add a new server, but use the alternate user ID.
Then make sure you start the query tool from a database under that
server node.

> I want do new connect in Query tool on new user, when i choice new connect
> from Query Tool.

No, you cannot do that at present.

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK: