Thread: Support Request: Database connection from the command line

Support Request: Database connection from the command line

"Stuart Gundry"
Hello all,<br /><br />This feels like I'm spamming you and if I've misread how I'm meant to request help then I'm sorry
forany inconvience.<br /><br />My problem is that I want to connect to a local database using the commandline. I've
tried'starting service' but I still can't access my database unless I go in to the pgadmin application and click on the
database(It has a little red cross next to it until I do). Is there a way of getting around this?<br /><br />Thank you
foryour time <br /><br />Stuart Gundry<br /><br />System:<br />pgAdmin III 1.8.2 (pre-complied version)<br />Windows

Re: Support Request: Database connection from the command line

"Dave Page"
On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Stuart Gundry
<> wrote:
> Hello all,
> This feels like I'm spamming you and if I've misread how I'm meant to
> request help then I'm sorry for any inconvience.

Nope, this is perfectly fine.

> My problem is that I want to connect to a local database using the
> commandline. I've tried 'starting service' but I still can't access my
> database unless I go in to the pgadmin application and click on the database
> (It has a little red cross next to it until I do). Is there a way of getting
> around this?

What command line options have you tried exactly? They're documented

I'm not clear what you mean by 'starting service'

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:

Re: Support Request: Database connection from the command line

"Stuart Gundry"
Kevin O'Neill has pointed me in the right direction with just using pgsql. I've got it working now. Thank you all for
yourhelp.<br /><br />Stuart<br /><br /><div class="gmail_quote">On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Dave Page <<a
href=""></a>>wrote:<br /><blockquote class="gmail_quote"
style="border-left:1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;"><div class="Ih2E3d">On
Wed,May 21, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Stuart Gundry<br /> <<a
href=""></a>>wrote:<br /> > Hello all,<br />
><br/> > This feels like I'm spamming you and if I've misread how I'm meant to<br /> > request help then I'm
sorryfor any inconvience.<br /><br /></div>Nope, this is perfectly fine.<br /><div class="Ih2E3d"><br /> > My
problemis that I want to connect to a local database using the<br /> > commandline. I've tried 'starting service'
butI still can't access my<br /> > database unless I go in to the pgadmin application and click on the database<br
/>> (It has a little red cross next to it until I do). Is there a way of getting<br /> > around this?<br /><br
/></div>Whatcommand line options have you tried exactly? They're documented<br /> at <a
target="_blank"></a><br/><br /> I'm not clear what you mean by
'startingservice'<br /><font color="#888888"><br /><br /> --<br /> Dave Page<br /> EnterpriseDB UK: <a
href=""target="_blank"></a><br /></font></blockquote></div><br />