Thread: Re : Support for older servers

Re : Support for older servers

Laurent ROCHE

My 2€: as long as the last version supporting PG 7.x is easily downloadable from the web ... I don't think that till be a problem; for the users.

It's just for you guys (and the PG people), to know whether this is acceptable considering pgAdmin is packaged with PG (Windows version).
In that case, you might end up packaging a pgAdmin not supporting PG 7.x which is not yet deprecated.

Enjoy your weekend,
The Computing Froggy

----- Message d'origine ----
De : Dave Page <>
À : pgadmin-hackers <>; pgAdmin Support <>
Envoyé le : Vendredi, 16 Novembre 2007, 13h24mn 00s
Objet : [pgadmin-support] Support for older servers

Should we consider dropping official support for PostgreSQL 7.x in the
next major version of pgAdmin?



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