PgAdmin version 1.8.0 (Oct 19 2007, rev:6766:6767)
Do not refresh information about DB server:
Descripton, Hostname, Port, Encryption, ...
Version string, Version number...
1. Start PgAdmin
2. Connect to DB 8.2.4
3. Disconnect from DB
4. Stop 8.2.4 DB
5. Start 8.3beta1 instead 8.2.4
6. Connect to DB 8.3beta1
7. Try refresh DB info
PgAdmin still display old 'Version string'
and 'Version number' for 8.2.4 version.
In addition in other situation crash:
The instruction at "0x0058c438" referenced memory at "0x02e49018".
The memory could not be "read".
Best regards,Alexander Kirpa