Thread: bug - when Restore env option on

bug - when Restore env option on

<p>PostgreSQL version: 8.2.4<br />pgAdmin version:1.8.0 beta2<br />Operating system: Windows XP SP2<br />Details:<br
/>  1. connect to the server. in  treeview open one schema (etc ,public)<br />   2. select server and executing
"properties"<br />   3. turn Restore env option on and click Ok button to save properties<br />   4. close pgadmin<br
/>  5. start pgadmin and connect to the server. and then public schema<br />will be selected and opened.<br />   6.
rightclick public schema. "Backup server ..."  will display in PopMenu. <br />   7. click Backup server ... then a
fatalerror has occurred<p><br />I do this many times and  a fatal error  still be occurred.<br />