Thread: Connection names and Query Windows

Connection names and Query Windows

Laurent ROCHE

(While talking of connection names, see other post "Edit Data windows title")

I just realised the connection name was not used at all in the Query window.
That's more than a shame because if I want to use another connection, a little window pops up and offer to change
databasewith a dropdown of all database names (so far so good ;-) ! ) BUT also to change connection.
It could be really interesting to change connections however the little pop up window offers a drop down with a list of
hostReference:PortNumber.As I have many connections on the same server with different logins, this is useless to me as
Isee many times the same thing. I would have prefered to see the ConnectionName given in the connection window.

By the way, the same apply for the Query window title instead of  seeing "databaseName on hostRef:PortNumb" I would
preferto see "databaseName on ConnectionName". Then it's up to the user to manage the connection in a sensible maner.

The Computing Froggy

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