Thread: Re : pgadmin as main postgresql GUI interface

Re : pgadmin as main postgresql GUI interface

Laurent ROCHE

my two cents on that interesting thread:
I come from a database developer background.
I have used quite a few tools in the past years on different RDBMs (mainly Sybase, MS SQL-Server, and a bit of Oracle).

When I have started using PG at the end of last year, I looked at the tools around.
I am quite pleased with PG Admin but I was also looking at other tools of easier access for non developer users.

I did not find any thing really satisfying but using OOo connecting with JDBC, did the job OK : it is possible to
browsethrough the tables, to create queries graphically and to modify tables. 
I even used it at the beginning to create queries graphically (when I did not the DB well). Today, I do not use it
anymore,but some in our team do, and that works OK for not too demanding users. 
Also you might want to have a look at DB-Visualizer: it's more a developper tool but it could work for you too.

Last point (but not least ;-) ! ), we are only using OOo on Windows XP, so I don't know about the reliability on AMD
withDebian, but the functions should be the same. 
May be the JDBC connection will solve some of your troubles.

Have fun,
The Computing Froggy

----- Message d'origine ----
De : Seb <>
À :
Envoyé le : Dimanche, 25 Février 2007, 6h05mn 45s
Objet : Re: [pgadmin-support] pgadmin as main postgresql GUI interface

On Sat, 24 Feb 2007 19:54:13 +0100,
Michael Eschweiler <> wrote:


> You could try knoda ( and/or rekall
> (  Unless you don't want do more complicated
> things knoda could be a good choice (but I don't know nothing about the
> report generator - I never used it). As of my experience knoda seems to
> be a little buggy: For example if you try to trigger some code in python
> from a combobox the program executes it twice.  But for simple purposes
> it should work.  I tried rekall in a very early stage (2 or 3 years ago)
> but as the layout of texts in the different widgets on the screen wasn't
> that good, and as I wanted to work with larger texts I changed to
> knoda. Now rekall seems to have improved considerably and comes with a
> detailed manual.

Thanks, I should check the current state of knoda.  Last time I tried it
~1 yr ago, it allowed only minimal functionality to interact with
PostgreSQL.  Kexi invariably crashes in my system (AMD64) when doing
things with PostgreSQL.  I tried rekall during the last few days, but it
crashes soon after connecting to a database.  Some of these problems may
be happening only in AMD64.  Indeed, Debian's packages are
very recent, but are already more stable than the apps mentioned above.
However, it also crashes frequently during connections with PostgreSQL (or
MySQL) connections and, again, functionality is very limited.
Particularly, I'd like to have some GUI do something like M$ Access'

In the meantime, I've also tried to figure out how to use my old *.mdb
files through ODBC directly.  Basically, using unixODBC to connect to the
*.mdb from a *nix app (say GNU R for stats analysis).  I've been using
Codeweavers' Crossover as I migrate things over to PostgreSQL, and this
plan seems possible:

although I haven't yet understood the last step of their configuration


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