Thread: Backup file not UTF-8 (introduced bug in 1.6.2)

Backup file not UTF-8 (introduced bug in 1.6.2)

Laurent ROCHE

A bug has been introduced in the version 1.6.2: when backing up in a file, the file produced is not in UTF-8 format
eventhough it is specified in the preferences. 

That used to work in 1.6.1

The Computing Froggy

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Re: Backup file not UTF-8 (introduced bug in 1.6.2)

Dave Page
Laurent ROCHE wrote:
> Hi,
> A bug has been introduced in the version 1.6.2: when backing up in a file, the file produced is not in UTF-8 format
eventhough it is specified in the preferences.
> That used to work in 1.6.1

The UTF-8 option only applies to saved queries etc. not to backups. They
are written entirely by pg_dump which is part of PostgreSQL.

Regards Dave