Thread: adding column with pgadmin gui takes > 800 secs.

adding column with pgadmin gui takes > 800 secs.

I'm having an interesting issue, not sure if it's the server or pgadmin

When trying to add a column (with pgadmin gui) to an already existing
table, a query as shown below is executed on the server:
SELECT    format_type(t.oid,NULL) AS typname,CASE WHEN typelem > 0 THEN typelem ELSE t.oid END as
elemoid,typlen,typtype,t.oid,nspname,      (    SELECT    COUNT(1)    FROM     pg_type t2    WHERE     t2.typname =
t.typname)      > 1 AS isdup         FROM pg_type t         JOIN pg_namespace nsp ON typnamespace=nsp.oid        WHERE
(NOT(typname = 'unknown' AND nspname = 'pg_catalog'))
AND typisdefined AND typtype IN ('b', 'c', 'd')AND typname NOT IN
(SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relnamespace = typnamespace AND
relkind != 'c')        ORDER BY CASE WHEN typtype='d' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,
(t.typelem>0)::bool, 1

This takes over 800 secs to complete.
Is this normal, against a database with 385 schemas?

(I am posting to this group for the first time, please be kind ;-)