Thread: No text for error messages only numbers

No text for error messages only numbers

Laurent ROCHE

Since I have upgraded to version 1.6.1, I do not get error messages text any more, only error numbers ! ? !

Is there something to configure to get the text too ?
Have fun,
The Computing Froggy

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Re: No text for error messages only numbers

Dave Page
Laurent ROCHE wrote:
> Hi,
> Since I have upgraded to version 1.6.1, I do not get error messages text any more, only error numbers ! ? !
> Is there something to configure to get the text too ?

What OS? Did you compile it yourself? I assume you're talking about the 
query tool, in which case you should get output such as:

-- Executing query:
select * form pg_class

ERROR: syntax error at or near "form"
SQL state: 42601
Character: 10

(that's on the History tab).

Regards Dave