Thread: Install wxWidgets with any special parameters?

Install wxWidgets with any special parameters?

Downloaded wxALL (wxWidgets-2.6.3), installed (./configure; make; make install); OK. <br /><br />.../pgadmin3-1.4.3 #
./configure<br/>...<br />checking for wx-config binary... yes<br />checking for pgsql include files... yes<br
/>checkingfor pgsql... yes<br />checking for PQexec in -lpq... yes<br />checking for SSL_connect in -lpq... yes<br
/>checkinglibpq-fe.h usability... yes<br />checking libpq-fe.h presence... yes<br />checking for libpq-fe.h... yes<br
/>checkingpgsql in /usr... ok<br />checking for wxWidgets... yes<br /><br />  Warning: No config found to match:
/usr/local/bin/wx-config--cppflags --unico<br />de=yes --debug=no --version=2.6<br />           in
/usr/local/lib/wx/config<br/>  If you require this configuration, please install the desired<br />  library build.  If
thisis part of an automated configuration<br />  test and no other errors occur, you may safely ignore it.<br />  You
mayuse wx-config --list to see all configs available in<br />  the default prefix.<br /><br />  Warning: No config
foundto match: /usr/local/bin/wx-config --static=no --libs      --unicode=yes --debug=no --version=2.6  in
/usr/local/lib/wx/config<br/>  If you require this configuration, please install the desired<br />  library build.  If
thisis part of an automated configuration<br />  test and no other errors occur, you may safely ignore it.<br />  You
mayuse wx-config --list to see all configs available in<br />  the default prefix.<br /><br />  Warning: No config
foundto match: /usr/local/bin/wx-config --static=no --libs     stc,ogl --unicode=yes --debug=no --version=2.6  in
/usr/local/lib/wx/config<br/>  If you require this configuration, please install the desired<br />  library build.  If
thisis part of an automated configuration<br />  test and no other errors occur, you may safely ignore it.<br />  You
mayuse wx-config --list to see all configs available in<br />  the default prefix.<br /><br />configure: error: Your
wxWidgetsinstallation cannot support pgAdmin in the selected configuration. This may be because it was configured
withoutthe --enable-unicode option, or the combination of dynamic/static linking and debug/non-debug libraries selected
didnot match any installed wxWidgets libraries.<br />#<br /><br />Do I need to re-install wxWidgets with any special
configureparameters?  C2D x86_64 Suse 10.2 rc1.  Thanks.<br />Jim<p><hr size="1" />Everyone is raving about <a
href="*">theall-new Yahoo! Mail beta.</a>