Thread: Feature Request - sql result pane column auto-sizing

Feature Request - sql result pane column auto-sizing

<br /><font face="sans-serif" size="2">While we're on feature requests...</font><br /><br /><font face="sans-serif"
size="2">I'dreally like to see something akin to Excel's Format / Column / AutoFit for the sql result / table edit
pane. We have a number of tables that have many small fields. While scrolling will let me see all the columns, if the
columnswere sized to the text contained in them, the entire row would fit nicely on one screen.  As it is, I end up
manuallyresizing the columns to make it fit, as it's a pita to scroll back and forth to read each row.</font><br /><br
/><fontface="sans-serif" size="2">Other than that, I'm really enjoying your latest release.  It seems you've taken care
ofmy old pet peeve somewhere along the way, too (losing data entered for a new row in the table edit pane when a
contraintviolation occurs).  </font><br /><br /><font face="sans-serif" size="2">Thanks for all your work on pgAdmin.
 It'sgreatly appreciated here!</font><br /><br /><font face="sans-serif" size="2">Mike</font><br /> 

Re: Feature Request - sql result pane column auto-sizing

Dave Page
Date: wrote:
> While we're on feature requests...
> I'd really like to see something akin to Excel's Format / Column / 
> AutoFit for the sql result / table edit pane.  We have a number of 
> tables that have many small fields. While scrolling will let me see all 
> the columns, if the columns were sized to the text contained in them, 
> the entire row would fit nicely on one screen.  As it is, I end up 
> manually resizing the columns to make it fit, as it's a pita to scroll 
> back and forth to read each row.

Try double-clicking the headers. It should cycle through the default, 
fit, and nearly hidden sizes.

> Other than that, I'm really enjoying your latest release.  It seems 
> you've taken care of my old pet peeve somewhere along the way, too 
> (losing data entered for a new row in the table edit pane when a 
> contraint violation occurs).  


> Thanks for all your work on pgAdmin.  It's greatly appreciated here!

Thanks :-)

Regards Dave.

Re: Feature Request - sql result pane column auto-sizing

Hi developers! Hi Dave!

Dave Page wrote:
> Try double-clicking the headers. It should cycle through the default,
> fit, and nearly hidden sizes.

Maybe this is not what Mike has been thinking of, but I'd like to
propose an improvement in this context: cycle all columns at once by
double clicking the top left corner of the grid.

Right now you can select a whole column by clicking the header, and you
can auto-size it by double-clicking. By clicking the top left square
you can select all columns. The feature I am proposing would complete
this functionality: auto-size all columns on double-click in the top
left square.

First double click might sync all columns to initial state of default
(if not all are there yet), following double-clicks would cycle all

This would be quite helpful, especially as we lose sizes on every
refresh in the current implementation.

Alternatively you could resize all "selected" columns at once, like OOo
would. But from what I have learned about cursor and selections this
might not be an easy task.


Re: Feature Request - sql result pane column auto-sizing

<br /><br /><font size="2"><tt>Erwin wrote on 11/24/2006 07:50:21 PM:<br /></tt></font><br /><font size="2"><tt>>
Maybethis is not what Mike has been thinking of, but I'd like to<br /> > propose an improvement in this context:
cycleall columns at once by<br /> > double clicking the top left corner of the grid.<br /></tt></font><br /><font
size="2"><tt>That'sexactly what I'm looking for.  Clicking on indivdual columns is handy, but when there are many
columnsin a table it's still a lot of work to get them all compressed.  This would be a big time saver for
me!</tt></font><br/><br /><font size="2"><tt>Mike</tt></font><br /> 

Re: Feature Request - sql result pane column auto-sizing

"Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha"
Another problem is for each new sql statement the column resize to shrinks. If the statement is the same the pgAdmin could keep the column size and just shows the sql result.

I could see it in "Select now()" statement.

Please put it on the feature request if it is not added.

2006/11/28, <>:

Erwin wrote on 11/24/2006 07:50:21 PM:

> Maybe this is not what Mike has been thinking of, but I'd like to
> propose an improvement in this context: cycle all columns at once by
> double clicking the top left corner of the grid.

That's exactly what I'm looking for.  Clicking on indivdual columns is handy, but when there are many columns in a table it's still a lot of work to get them all compressed.  This would be a big time saver for me!


                                  Atenciosamente (Sincerely)
                        Ezequias Rodrigues da Rocha
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