Thread: PgAdmin Bugs & Issues

PgAdmin Bugs & Issues

"Alex Girchenko"
The version is that comes with Postgres 8.2 beta3.
1. Under Windows it won't remember the location I've saved dump to.
Instead, I'll always see my home folder. That's quite an unhandy
thing. E.g. I save a dump to c:\dumps and at the next step want to
restore it. Consider it more logical to see c:\dumps in the dialog
2. Dumps created under windows won't restore.2.1 Dump (.backup) created from Ubuntu server running PostgreSQL
8.1.4 that is being restored to a PostgreSQL 8.2 under WinXP (UTF-8
both) would fail with
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 2341; 0 16548 TABLE
DATA doc_type postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] COPY failed: ERROR:  value too long for
type character varying(50)
CONTEXT:  COPY doc_type, line 7, column alias:
"Инвентаризационные ведомости"

Runs flawlessly when restoring under Ubuntu with PgAdmin 1.4.3
2.2 The same dump restored on the same Ubuntu server with PgAdmin 1.6
would cause even more errors:
pg_restore: creating SEQUENCE OWNED BY price_types_archive_id_seq
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 2506; 0 0 SEQUENCE
OWNED BY price_types_archive_id_seq postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  syntax
error at or near "OWNED"
LINE 1: ALTER SEQUENCE price_types_archive_id_seq OWNED BY price_typ...
^  Command was: ALTER SEQUENCE price_types_archive_id_seq OWNED BY;
pg_restore: creating SEQUENCE OWNED BY plugin_id_seq
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 2496; 0 0 SEQUENCE
OWNED BY plugin_id_seq postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  syntax
error at or near "OWNED"
LINE 1: ALTER SEQUENCE plugin_id_seq OWNED BY;                                    ^   Command was: ALTER
SEQUENCEplugin_id_seq OWNED BY; 
pg_restore: executing SEQUENCE SET plugin_id_seq
pg_restore: creating SEQUENCE OWNED BY menu_tree_revision_id_seq
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 2478; 0 0 SEQUENCE
OWNED BY menu_tree_revision_id_seq postgres
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  syntax
error at or near "OWNED"
LINE 1: ALTER SEQUENCE menu_tree_revision_id_seq OWNED BY menu_tree_...
^  Command was: ALTER SEQUENCE menu_tree_revision_id_seq OWNED BY;
pg_restore: executing SEQUENCE SET menu_tree_revision_id_seq
And the like.

3. Ctrl+A won't work work in the window that displays restoration log.

That's it, folks ;)

Re: PgAdmin Bugs & Issues

Dave Page
Alex Girchenko wrote:
> The version is that comes with Postgres 8.2 beta3.
> 1. Under Windows it won't remember the location I've saved dump to.
> Instead, I'll always see my home folder. That's quite an unhandy
> thing. E.g. I save a dump to c:\dumps and at the next step want to
> restore it. Consider it more logical to see c:\dumps in the dialog
> window.

No - patches are always welcome :-)

> 2. Dumps created under windows won't restore.

pgAdmin uses PostgreSQL's pg_dump/pg_restore to handle all the backup 
and restore operations - the GUI just collects your options and calls 
the executables with the appropriate command line options. Any restore 
failures should be reported to the PostgreSQL bugs list 

> 3. Ctrl+A won't work work in the window that displays restoration log.
> That's it, folks ;)

I assume you mean to select all text? If so, then no, that is not a 
shortcut that wxWidgets implements for controls other than the styled 
text control (the one with syntax highlighting that we use in the Query 
Tool for example).

Regards, Dave.