Thread: Network access.

Network access.

"Raj aryan"

I have installed PostGreSql on my machine. Then I changed "postgresql.conf" file to allow database access over a network.

  I modified #listen_addresses from localhost to *

  #listen_addresses = '*'   # what IP interface(s) to listen on;

                                                # defaults to localhost, '*' = any

port = 5432


Still my database is not accessible on a network.

  I m using PgSqlClient ADO.NET compliant driver.

  The application is working fine locally. I m able to connect to database  but over a network it fails.

  Do I need to do modify any other configuration settings?

I have also changed in the pg_hba.conf file as  

# TYPE  DATABASE    USER        IP-ADDRESS                  METHOD
local       all                all                                             trust

This are the default one in the pg_nba.conf file.
# IPv4-style local connections:
host        all               all                       Md5
# IPv6-style local connections:
host    all         all              ::1/128                             Md5

   Please let me know if there are any other configuration changes.

  I am using this on Windows 2000 Professional.




Re: Network access.

"Raymond O'Donnell"
On 1 Nov 2006 at 15:14, Raj aryan wrote:

> #listen_addresses = '*'   # what IP interface(s) to listen on;

Probably a silly question, but did you remove the '#' at the 
beginning of the line? '#' marks a comment - anything after it is  
ignored, up to the end of the line. If it's still there, then the 
line is having no effect - remove the '#' and restart postmaster.

This list isn't the appropriate place for this question - better on 



Raymond O'Donnell
Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Galway, Ireland