Thread: Re: pgAdmin preBeta4 - results

Re: pgAdmin preBeta4 - results

"Dave Page"

From: Harald Armin Massa []
Sent: 24 October 2006 08:13
To: Dave Page; pgAdmin Support
Subject: pgAdmin preBeta4 - results

Hello Dave,

I was using that .exe from yesterday intensly.

There was only one "stuck" situation, and that was a long running query, and in the middle of the process a virus scanner started to scan. So far from my side: good bugfixing! 

One very frustrating habbit was the resizing of the columns of the data grid: I could drag them to every width; but with the next run of the query they moved back to standard. I am not sure if this qualifies as "bug", or rather "feature request", as "do not resize column-width unless types or numbers of query result columns change" 
Yeah, that is a feature request. It was never designed to retain sizes. I expect 1.8 to be a cleanup release, so that sort of feature is likely to be added then. I'll poll the community for todo items at some point in the near future - please make sure I put that on the todo list.
Thansk for all that good work,
You're welcome.
Regards, Dave