Thread: Re: pgAdmin beta fixes

Re: pgAdmin beta fixes

Erwin Brandstetter
Hi Dave!

First try was a crash.
I have an SSH connection to a remote database server. Locally there, the 
postgres sytem user can login without password as postgres database user 
(ident sameuser). So I needn't supply a password.
On my first try pgadmin insisted I supply a password, nevertheless. I 
left the field empty and continued. pgadmin showed a couple of errors 
and left me with a "half-connected" database. Trying to refresh on a 
scheme sent pgadmin crashing.
The same or similar bug is present in all versions from v1.4.2 - 1.6beta3.

Good news: I cannot reproduce the "export bug" any more. A couple of 
dozen tries with various selects and settings, no errors.
Minor glitch: the export dialogue window pops up on the low end of my 
screen. Unlike other dialogues (like "Find and Replace") it won't 
remember a new location.
Also the help window has a quirk: when it is activated (and pgadmin main 
window is not minimized), the SQL dialogue vanishes behind main window. 
When I try to bring it to the foreground, the help screen vanishes. I 
cannot see export dialogue and help at the same time. (If I minimze main 
window before clicking help in the export dialogue, I can do the trick).

The "pane shuffling crash" in the SQL dialogue window is still there. 
But that's probably the wxWindows bug you mentioned.

I will test further and send report my findings..

Erwin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've found and fixed (or reported to wxWidgets) a number of issues in
> pgAdmin beta 3 over the last few days. You've certainly been keeping me
> busy with corner cases and hard to reproduce stuff! Anyway, here's a
> quick rundown on some of what I've done.
> - Fixed a bug in the query tool which could cause a crash or only
> partial deletion of rows when deleting a large block in the Edit Grid.
> - Fixed a bug in pgQueryThread. This could cause a crash when loading
> data into the Edit Grid, or sometimes just left the grid empty with the
> status bar saying 'aborting.'
> This one was actually quite a nasty thread synchronisation issue that
> could easily have caused a number of problems, including Erwin's export
> bug, and George's long running query death.
> - Reported the <return> acts like <tab> in dialogues issue to wxWidgets
> (see
> up_id=9863). The possibly-related mousewheel issue seems to have vanised
> on my system at the moment.
> Can I send you all an updated .exe for testing before I release beta
> 4/rc 1?
> Thanks, Dave.

Re: pgAdmin beta fixes

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erwin Brandstetter []
> Sent: 23 October 2006 12:33
> To: Dave Page
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: pgAdmin beta fixes
> Hi Dave!
> First try was a crash.
> I have an SSH connection to a remote database server. Locally
> there, the
> postgres sytem user can login without password as postgres
> database user
> (ident sameuser). So I needn't supply a password.
> On my first try pgadmin insisted I supply a password, nevertheless. I
> left the field empty and continued. pgadmin showed a couple of errors
> and left me with a "half-connected" database. Trying to refresh on a
> scheme sent pgadmin crashing.
> The same or similar bug is present in all versions from
> v1.4.2 - 1.6beta3.

OK, so that's something I've not seen before. What were the 'couple of

> Good news: I cannot reproduce the "export bug" any more. A couple of
> dozen tries with various selects and settings, no errors.

Excellent :-)

> Minor glitch: the export dialogue window pops up on the low end of my
> screen. Unlike other dialogues (like "Find and Replace") it won't
> remember a new location.

Actually Find and Replace forgot as well if you closed the parent query
tool. I've added the positioning code to those and a bunch of other
dialogues that were missing it though - thanks.

> Also the help window has a quirk: when it is activated (and
> pgadmin main
> window is not minimized), the SQL dialogue vanishes behind
> main window.
> When I try to bring it to the foreground, the help screen vanishes. I
> cannot see export dialogue and help at the same time. (If I
> minimze main
> window before clicking help in the export dialogue, I can do
> the trick).

Yeah, that's an unfortunate side effect of the way that the Windows help
viewer seems to attach itself to the main of the app and stay on top of
it. I think that's partly why some of the Microsoft apps shrink
themselves and position the help window alongside the right of the
application these days. It doesn't happen with the builtin helpviewer
which is used on Unix and Mac, but is otherwise not quite as good as the
Microsoft one.

> The "pane shuffling crash" in the SQL dialogue window is still there.
> But that's probably the wxWindows bug you mentioned.

Yeah - they haven't fixed it yet afaik.

Regards, Dave