Thread: OS-X Tidbits

OS-X Tidbits

Nick Farina
Hello devs,

I'm really enjoying the Universal Binary version of pgAdmin much more  
than the PPC version.  It's much snappier and the wxWidgets are more  
responsive as well!

There are just a couple things that I think would help it fit in  
better to OS-X World:
  - In Preferences, you can adjust the font, but it doesn't seem to  
have any effect?  It would be great to adjust the font for the  
treeview to make it smaller (my macbook screen is rather small  
  - You can also adjust the Query font which works, but it's not  
aliased.  I would love to use TextMate's default font, Monoco 12pt  
  - My biggest pet peeve: Command-W doesn't work to close windows
  - The Explain tooltips don't work right for me - the tooltip shows  
up the first time I click an icon, then it never comes back.

Again, I really love pgAdmin and would like to use it on OS-X (for  
the moment I'm running the win32 version in Parallels since it  
provides a better experience).


Re: OS-X Tidbits

Dave Page
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:12.0px"><br /><br /><br /> On 17/10/06 23:33, "Nick
Farina"<> wrote:<br /><br /></span></font><blockquote><span
style="font-size:12.0px"><fontface="Monaco, Courier New">Hello devs,<br /><br /></font></span></blockquote><span
style="font-size:12.0px"><fontface="Monaco, Courier New">Hi Nick,<br /></font></span><blockquote><span
style="font-size:12.0px"><fontface="Monaco, Courier New"><br /> I'm really enjoying the Universal Binary version of
pgAdminmuch more <br /> than the PPC version.  It's much snappier and the wxWidgets are more <br /> responsive as
well!<br/><br /></font></span></blockquote><span style="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Monaco, Courier New">Glad you
likeit.<br /></font></span><blockquote><span style="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Monaco, Courier New"><br /> There are
justa couple things that I think would help it fit in <br /> better to OS-X World:<br /><br />    - In Preferences, you
canadjust the font, but it doesn't seem to <br /> have any effect?  It would be great to adjust the font for the <br />
treeviewto make it smaller (my macbook screen is rather small <br /> vertically)<br /><br
/></font></span></blockquote><spanstyle="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Monaco, Courier New">Yes, it seems that
wxWindow::SetFont()doesn’t work on wxMac. I’ll investigate further tomorrow and log a bug with them.<br
/></font></span><blockquote><spanstyle="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Monaco, Courier New"><br />    - You can also
adjustthe Query font which works, but it's not <br /> aliased.  I would love to use TextMate's default font, Monoco
12pt<br /> Aliased.<br /><br /></font></span></blockquote><span style="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Monaco, Courier
New">Howwould you normally select this? WxWidgets seems to have an anti alias attribute for a wxFont, but the closest
optionI can see on the font selection dialogue is Shadow which isn’t really the same as anti-alising.<br
/></font></span><blockquote><spanstyle="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Monaco, Courier New"><br />    - My biggest pet
peeve:Command-W doesn't work to close windows<br /><br /></font></span></blockquote><span
style="font-size:12.0px"><fontface="Monaco, Courier New">That’ll have to wait for 1.8 I’m afraid. I’ll be polling the
liststo build a roadmap sometime after release – please make sure I remember to add it.<br
/></font></span><blockquote><spanstyle="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Monaco, Courier New"><br />    - The Explain
tooltipsdon't work right for me - the tooltip shows <br /> up the first time I click an icon, then it never comes
back.<br/><br /></font></span></blockquote><span style="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Monaco, Courier New">Thanks –
I’vecommitted a fix for this.<br /></font></span><blockquote><span style="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Monaco, Courier
New"><br/> Again, I really love pgAdmin and would like to use it on OS-X (for <br /> the moment I'm running the win32
versionin Parallels since it <br /> provides a better experience).<br /></font></span></blockquote><span
style="font-size:12.0px"><fontface="Monaco, Courier New"><br /> Unfortunately we’re at the mercy of wxWidgets somewhat
–wxMac has come on in leaps and bounds in recent versions, but it’s still not as mature as wxMSW or wxGTK.<br /><br />
Thanksfor the feedback.<br /><br /> Regards, Dave.</font></span>