<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:12.0px"><br /><br /><br /> On 17/10/06 13:39, "Joe
Kramer"<cckramer@gmail.com> wrote:<br /><br /></span></font><blockquote><span style="font-size:12.0px"><font
face="Monaco,Courier New">Hello,<br /><br /> Since new 1.6 beta there is no option to export database schema with<br />
"charactervarying" as "varchar". Wasn't there such option in 1.5?<br /> It's removed now?<br /><br /> Why it's not
possibleto use varchar in pgadmn dialogs anymore?<br /><br /></font></span></blockquote><span
style="font-size:12.0px"><fontface="Monaco, Courier New">PgAdmin 1.6 uses the SQL standard typenames rather than the
PostgreSQL-specificones. This is in line with the PostgreSQL utilities such as pg_dump and psql.<br
/></font></span><blockquote><spanstyle="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Monaco, Courier New"><br /> Another annoying this
isin Create table - >ADd Column dialog you<br /> cannot just type the desired datatype anymore, you're constricted
to<br/> nearest match pgadmin finds for you.<br /> For example it's not possible to have "bigserial" datatype right
away.<br/> After you type "big" it inserts bigint and you can't change it. The<br /> only way is to select it form list
everytime. (List is huge and not<br /> alphabetically sorted so you have to hunt for required datatype almost<br /> for
everyfield)<br /><br /></font></span></blockquote><span style="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Monaco, Courier New">Hmm,
seemsto be a Mac-ism. The wx team changed the behaviour of the combo boxes in 2.6.2 (iirc), and we had to rewrite a
bunchof code to fix things up. I wonder if we missed this brokeness on Mac, or whether they changed things again. I’ll
lookinto it.<br /><br /> Thanks, Dave.</font><font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><br /></font></span>