Thread: Re: v6 beta 2 still crashes at times whenviewing table results directly

Re: v6 beta 2 still crashes at times whenviewing table results directly

"Dave Page"

-----Original Message-----
From: "Mike G" <>
To: "Dave Page" <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: 13/10/06 19:42
Subject: RE: [pgadmin-support] v6 beta 2 still crashes at times whenviewing table results directly

> I have been testing beta 3 this morning and it crashed on me again.  The debugger
> pointed in the same location as last time.


> I was trying to view a table that a few seconds ago had over 70000 records in it, had
> just truncated it and only inserted 5 records back into it.  Of course trying to
> reproduce it again didn't work.
> I have been trying to build from the source code but have encountered some errors.  Can
> the project file included in the beta sources be used to build the beta versions?

No reason why not, though most of us use code from SVN rather than tarballs.

> If you or someone else would be willing to help me get through the errors I will try to
> run a debug version.

Sure - what errors do you see exactly?

BTW: In case you missed it there are detailed build instructions at

Regards, Dave