Thread: Linking issues building pgAdmin3 v1.4.2 on Suse 10.0

Linking issues building pgAdmin3 v1.4.2 on Suse 10.0

"Eric E"
Hi all,<br />  I'm having a really hard time getting pgAdmin3 to build on Suse.  I've managed to get wxWidgets 2.6.3
built,and built and installed the ogl and stc widgets from the contrib directory.  Pgadmin's build seems to work fine,
rightup until the linking stage, when it somehow loses all its libraries.  From perusing this list's archives, this
problemis not entirely uncommon. <br /><br />For wx-widgets, I ran configure as such:<br />./configure --with-gtk
--enable-gtk2--enable-mimetype=yes --disable-debug --enable-unicode<br /><br />For pgAdmin3, I ran plain old configure,
andthen alternately tried --enable-static (which failed, evidently because wxWidgets was not compiled with
--enabled-static)<br /><br /><br />Below is  the output of make all.  What's odd is that the linker seems to be getting
theflags that correspond to the output of wx-config.  Does anyone have any ideas for how to get ld recognize the wx
libraries?<br /><br />Many thanks for any help or ideas,<br /><br /><br />Eric<br /><br /><br />make  all-recursive<br
/>make[1]:Entering directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2'<br />Making all in i18n<br />make[2]: Entering
directory`/usr/local/install/pgadmin3- 1.4.2/i18n'<br />make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.<br />make[2]: Leaving
directory`/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2/i18n'<br />Making all in src<br />make[2]: Entering directory
`/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2/src'<br/>g++ -DDATA_DIR=\"/usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/\" -Wall
-Wno-non-virtual-dtor-I../src/include -I../src/agent/include <br />-I../src/slony/include   -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib
-opgadmin3  pgAdmin3.o base.o appbase.o sysLogger.o pgConnBase.o pgSe<br />tBase.o factory.o dlgClasses.o events.o
pgConn.opgSet.o keywords.o pgAggregate.o pgCast.o pgCheck.o pgCollection.o pgColum<br />n.o pgConstraints.o
pgConversion.opgDatabase.o pgDomain.o pgForeignKey.o pgFunction.o pgGroup.o pgIndex.o pgIndexConstrain<br />t.o
pgLanguage.opgObject.o pgOperator.o pgOperatorClass.o pgRole.o pgRule.o pgSchema.o pgSequence.o pgServer.o pgTable.o
p<br/>gTablespace.o pgTrigger.o pgType.o pgUser.o pgView.o pgDatatype.o pgaJob.o pgaStep.o pgaSchedule.o dlgJob.o
dlgSchedule.od<br />lgStep.o xh_sqlbox.o xh_calb.o xh_timespin.o xh_ctlcombo.o ctlSecurityPanel.o ctlComboBox.o
ctlTree.ocalbox.o timespin.o c<br />tlListView.o ctlSQLBox.o ctlSQLResult.o explainCanvas.o explainShape.o
dlgEditGridOptions.odlgConnect.o dlgHbaConfig.o dlg<br />MainConfig.o dlgSelectConnection.o frmExport.o frmAbout.o
frmIndexcheck.ofrmMain.o frmOptions.o frmPassword.o frmQuery.o f<br />rmHelp.o frmSplash.o frmMaintenance.o frmBackup.o
frmRestore.ofrmGrantWizard.o frmEditGrid.o frmStatus.o frmUpdate.o frmCo<br />nfig.o frmHbaConfig.o frmMainConfig.o
frmHint.odlgProperty.o dlgUser.o dlgServer.o dlgGroup.o dlgDatabase.o dlgLanguage.o<br />dlgSchema.o dlgDomain.o
dlgTable.odlgTablespace.o dlgColumn.o dlgIndex.o dlgFunction.o dlgView.o dlgRule.o dlgRole.o dlgOp<br />erator.o
dlgAggregate.odlgCast.o dlgConversion.o dlgIndexConstraint.o dlgForeignKey.o dlgSequence.o dlgTrigger.o dlgType.o<br
/> dlgCheck.osysSettings.o sysProcess.o misc.o utffile.o pgconfig.o update.o slCluster.o slNode.o slPath.o slListen.o
slSet.<br/>o slSequence.o slTable.o slSubscription.o dlgRepCluster.o dlgRepNode.o dlgRepListen.o dlgRepPath.o
dlgRepSet.odlgRepSequen<br />ce.o dlgRepTable.o dlgRepSubscription.o xrcDialogs.o   -lssl -lcrypto -lpq
-L/usr/local/lib-pthread   -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lw<br />x_gtk2u_xrc-2.6 -lwx_gtk2u_qa-2.6 -lwx_gtk2u_html-2.6
-lwx_gtk2u_adv-2.6-lwx_gtk2u_core-2.6 -lwx_baseu_xml-2.6 -lwx_baseu_<br />net-2.6 -lwx_baseu- 2.6  -L/usr/local/lib
-pthread  -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lwx_gtk2u_stc-2.6 -lwx_gtk2u_ogl-2.6 -lwx_baseu-2.6<br />pgAdmin3.o: In function
`frmDlgTest::frmDlgTest()':<br/>pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x8c5): undefined reference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t
const*,unsigned int, unsigned int)' <br />pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x8de): undefined reference to
`wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_tconst*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'<br />pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x97a): undefined
referenceto `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' <br />pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0xa3c):
undefinedreference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'<br
/>pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0xbae):undefined reference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned
int)'<br />pgAdmin3.o:pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0xdd5): more undefined references to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*,
unsignedint, u<br />nsigned int)' follow<br />pgAdmin3.o: In function `pgAdmin3::OnInit()':<br
/>pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x1455):undefined reference to `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int, wchar_t const*, unsigned
int)'<br />pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x1471): undefined reference to `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int, wchar_t const*,
unsignedint)'<br />pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x148d): undefined reference to `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int, wchar_t
const*,unsigned int)' <br />pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x14a9): undefined reference to `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int,
wchar_tconst*, unsigned int)'<br /><br />--- snip ---<br />~10K lines of error messages<br />--- snip ---<br /><br
/>dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x133b): undefined reference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int,
unsigne<br/>d int)'<br />dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1373): undefined reference to `wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_t
const*)'<br/> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x13a3): undefined reference to `wxLocale::GetString(wchar_t const*,
wchar_tconst*) const'<br />dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x13c2): undefined reference to
`wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_tconst*, unsigned int, unsigne <br />d int)'<br />dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1426):
undefinedreference to `operator+(wchar_t const*, wxString const&)'<br />dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1437):
undefinedreference to `operator+(wxString const&, wchar_t const*)' <br />dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x150f):
undefinedreference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne<br />d int)'<br
/>dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1534):undefined reference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int,
unsigne<br />d int)'<br />dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x155b): undefined reference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t
const*,unsigned int, unsigne<br />d int)'<br />dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x157f): undefined reference to
`wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_tconst*)' <br />dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1656): undefined reference to
`wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_tconst*, unsigned int, unsigne<br />d int)'<br />dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1851):
undefinedreference to `wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_t const*)' <br />dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1873): undefined
referenceto `wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_t const*)'<br
/>dlgRepSubscription.o:(.gnu.linkonce.r._ZTV18dlgRepSubscription[vtablefor dlgRepSubscription]+0x274): undefined
referencet <br />o `wxWindow::ApplyToolTip(_GtkTooltips*, wchar_t const*)'<br />dlgRepSubscription.o: In function
const]+0x<br />18): undefined reference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'<br
/>xrcDialogs.o:In function `InitXmlResource()':<br />xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x22): undefined reference to
`wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_tconst*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' <br />xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x3f): undefined
referenceto `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'<br />xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0xd4):
undefinedreference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)' <br
/>xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x119):undefined reference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned
int)'<br/>xrcDialogs.o:xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x1ce): more undefined references to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t
const*,unsigned in <br />t, unsigned int)' follow<br />/usr/local/lib/libwx_gtk2u_ogl-<a
href=""></a>:undefined reference to `wxStringList::Add(wchar_t const*)'<br
/>/usr/local/lib/libwx_gtk2u_ogl-<ahref=""> </a>: undefined reference to `wxFopen(wchar_t const*,
wchar_tconst*)'<br />collect2: ld returned 1 exit status<br />make[2]: *** [pgadmin3] Error 1<br />make[2]: Leaving
directory`/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2/src'<br />make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 <br />make[1]: Leaving
directory`/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2'<br />make: *** [all] Error 2<br /><br /><br /> 

Re: Linking issues building pgAdmin3 v1.4.2 on

Miha Radej

Which version of Suse is that? I've had some problems also but have so
far been able to resolve them on all versions of Suse I've used: 9.3,
10.0, 10.1.

Only with Suse 9.3 have I built wx from source, on 10.x I use wx
available from Yast. With that there were no problems on 10.0, on 10.1 I
get lots of GCC warnings about breaking strict rules, otherwise it seems
to work.

From memory, the general procedure I use is as follows:

* add /usr/lib to /etc/, then run ldconfig
* install all needed packages in order to build pgadmin (10.1 comes with
libxml2 2.6.23 and libxslt 1.1.15 which both cause errors, I had to use
the latest versions to get it to work)
* build pgadmin

That is basically it. I can try to help if you have any other questions.


Eric E pravi:
> Hi all,
>   I'm having a really hard time getting pgAdmin3 to build on Suse.  I've
> managed to get wxWidgets 2.6.3 built, and built and installed the ogl
> and stc widgets from the contrib directory.  Pgadmin's build seems to
> work fine, right up until the linking stage, when it somehow loses all
> its libraries.  From perusing this list's archives, this problem is not
> entirely uncommon.
> For wx-widgets, I ran configure as such:
> ./configure --with-gtk --enable-gtk2 --enable-mimetype=yes
> --disable-debug --enable-unicode
> For pgAdmin3, I ran plain old configure, and then alternately tried
> --enable-static (which failed, evidently because wxWidgets was not
> compiled with --enabled-static)
> Below is  the output of make all.  What's odd is that the linker seems
> to be getting the flags that correspond to the output of wx-config. 
> Does anyone have any ideas for how to get ld recognize the wx libraries?
> Many thanks for any help or ideas,
> Eric
> make  all-recursive
> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2'
> Making all in i18n
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3- 1.4.2/i18n'
> make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2/i18n'
> Making all in src
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2/src'
> g++ -DDATA_DIR=\"/usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/\" -Wall
> -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -I../src/include -I../src/agent/include
> -I../src/slony/include   -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib -o pgadmin3 
> pgAdmin3.o base.o appbase.o sysLogger.o pgConnBase.o pgSe
> tBase.o factory.o dlgClasses.o events.o pgConn.o pgSet.o keywords.o
> pgAggregate.o pgCast.o pgCheck.o pgCollection.o pgColum
> n.o pgConstraints.o pgConversion.o pgDatabase.o pgDomain.o
> pgForeignKey.o pgFunction.o pgGroup.o pgIndex.o pgIndexConstrain
> t.o pgLanguage.o pgObject.o pgOperator.o pgOperatorClass.o pgRole.o
> pgRule.o pgSchema.o pgSequence.o pgServer.o pgTable.o p
> gTablespace.o pgTrigger.o pgType.o pgUser.o pgView.o pgDatatype.o
> pgaJob.o pgaStep.o pgaSchedule.o dlgJob.o dlgSchedule.o d
> lgStep.o xh_sqlbox.o xh_calb.o xh_timespin.o xh_ctlcombo.o
> ctlSecurityPanel.o ctlComboBox.o ctlTree.o calbox.o timespin.o c
> tlListView.o ctlSQLBox.o ctlSQLResult.o explainCanvas.o explainShape.o
> dlgEditGridOptions.o dlgConnect.o dlgHbaConfig.o dlg
> MainConfig.o dlgSelectConnection.o frmExport.o frmAbout.o
> frmIndexcheck.o frmMain.o frmOptions.o frmPassword.o frmQuery.o f
> rmHelp.o frmSplash.o frmMaintenance.o frmBackup.o frmRestore.o
> frmGrantWizard.o frmEditGrid.o frmStatus.o frmUpdate.o frmCo
> nfig.o frmHbaConfig.o frmMainConfig.o frmHint.o dlgProperty.o dlgUser.o
> dlgServer.o dlgGroup.o dlgDatabase.o dlgLanguage.o
> dlgSchema.o dlgDomain.o dlgTable.o dlgTablespace.o dlgColumn.o
> dlgIndex.o dlgFunction.o dlgView.o dlgRule.o dlgRole.o dlgOp
> erator.o dlgAggregate.o dlgCast.o dlgConversion.o dlgIndexConstraint.o
> dlgForeignKey.o dlgSequence.o dlgTrigger.o dlgType.o
>  dlgCheck.o sysSettings.o sysProcess.o misc.o utffile.o pgconfig.o
> update.o slCluster.o slNode.o slPath.o slListen.o slSet.
> o slSequence.o slTable.o slSubscription.o dlgRepCluster.o dlgRepNode.o
> dlgRepListen.o dlgRepPath.o dlgRepSet.o dlgRepSequen
> ce.o dlgRepTable.o dlgRepSubscription.o xrcDialogs.o   -lssl -lcrypto
> -lpq -L/usr/local/lib -pthread   -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lw
> x_gtk2u_xrc-2.6 -lwx_gtk2u_qa-2.6 -lwx_gtk2u_html-2.6 -lwx_gtk2u_adv-2.6
> -lwx_gtk2u_core-2.6 -lwx_baseu_xml-2.6 -lwx_baseu_
> net-2.6 -lwx_baseu- 2.6  -L/usr/local/lib -pthread   -L/usr/X11R6/lib 
> -lwx_gtk2u_stc-2.6 -lwx_gtk2u_ogl-2.6 -lwx_baseu-2.6
> pgAdmin3.o: In function `frmDlgTest::frmDlgTest()':
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x8c5): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x8de): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x97a): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0xa3c): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0xbae): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.o:pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0xdd5): more undefined references to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, u
> nsigned int)' follow
> pgAdmin3.o: In function `pgAdmin3::OnInit()':
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x1455): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int, wchar_t const*, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x1471): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int, wchar_t const*, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x148d): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int, wchar_t const*, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x14a9): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int, wchar_t const*, unsigned int)'
> --- snip ---
> ~10K lines of error messages
> --- snip ---
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp: (.text+0x133b): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1373): undefined reference to
> `wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x13a3): undefined reference to
> `wxLocale::GetString(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) const'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x13c2): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1426): undefined reference to
> `operator+(wchar_t const*, wxString const&)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1437): undefined reference to
> `operator+(wxString const&, wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x150f): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1534): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x155b): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x157f): undefined reference to
> `wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1656): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1851): undefined reference to
> `wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1873): undefined reference to
> `wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.o:(.gnu.linkonce.r._ZTV18dlgRepSubscription[vtable
> for dlgRepSubscription]+0x274): undefined reference t
> o `wxWindow::ApplyToolTip(_GtkTooltips*, wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.o: In function `dlgRepSubscription::GetHelpPage() const':
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.gnu.linkonce.t._ZNK18dlgRepSubscription11GetHelpPageEv[dlgRepSubscription::GetHelpPage()
> const]+0x
> 18): undefined reference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*,
> unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> xrcDialogs.o: In function `InitXmlResource()':
> xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x22): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x3f): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0xd4): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x119): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> xrcDialogs.o:xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x1ce): more undefined references to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned in
> t, unsigned int)' follow
> /usr/local/lib/ <>: undefined
> reference to `wxStringList::Add(wchar_t const*)'
> /usr/local/lib/ <>: undefined
> reference to `wxFopen(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*)'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[2]: *** [pgadmin3] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2/src'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2'
> make: *** [all] Error 2


"... the small primitive tribes joined up and became huge, powerful
primitive tribes with more sophisticated weapons." -- Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

Re: Linking issues building pgAdmin3 v1.4.2 on Suse 10.0

"Eric E"
On 5/30/06, Miha Radej <> wrote:

Which version of Suse is that? I've had some problems also but have so
far been able to resolve them on all versions of Suse I've used: 9.3,
10.0, 10.1.

Only with Suse 9.3 have I built wx from source, on 10.x I use wx
available from Yast. With that there were no problems on 10.0, on 10.1 I
get lots of GCC warnings about breaking strict rules, otherwise it seems
to work.

From memory, the general procedure I use is as follows:

* add /usr/lib to /etc/, then run ldconfig

Hi Miha,
  Well, adding /usr/lib to and running ldconfig seems to have solved the problem.  Not sure what that works, but it does.  Many thanks!




* install all needed packages in order to build pgadmin (10.1 comes with
libxml2 2.6.23 and libxslt 1.1.15 which both cause errors, I had to use
the latest versions to get it to work)
* build pgadmin

That is basically it. I can try to help if you have any other questions.


Eric E pravi:
> Hi all,
>   I'm having a really hard time getting pgAdmin3 to build on Suse.  I've
> managed to get wxWidgets 2.6.3 built, and built and installed the ogl
> and stc widgets from the contrib directory.  Pgadmin's build seems to
> work fine, right up until the linking stage, when it somehow loses all
> its libraries.  From perusing this list's archives, this problem is not
> entirely uncommon.
> For wx-widgets, I ran configure as such:
> ./configure --with-gtk --enable-gtk2 --enable-mimetype=yes
> --disable-debug --enable-unicode
> For pgAdmin3, I ran plain old configure, and then alternately tried
> --enable-static (which failed, evidently because wxWidgets was not
> compiled with --enabled-static)
> Below is  the output of make all.  What's odd is that the linker seems
> to be getting the flags that correspond to the output of wx-config.
> Does anyone have any ideas for how to get ld recognize the wx libraries?
> Many thanks for any help or ideas,
> Eric
> make  all-recursive
> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2'
> Making all in i18n
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3- 1.4.2/i18n'
> make[2]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2/i18n'
> Making all in src
> make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2/src'
> g++ -DDATA_DIR=\"/usr/local/pgadmin3/share/pgadmin3/\" -Wall
> -Wno-non-virtual-dtor -I../src/include -I../src/agent/include
> -I../src/slony/include   -L/usr/lib -L/usr/local/lib -o pgadmin3
> pgAdmin3.o base.o appbase.o sysLogger.o pgConnBase.o pgSe
> tBase.o factory.o dlgClasses.o events.o pgConn.o pgSet.o keywords.o
> pgAggregate.o pgCast.o pgCheck.o pgCollection.o pgColum
> n.o pgConstraints.o pgConversion.o pgDatabase.o pgDomain.o
> pgForeignKey.o pgFunction.o pgGroup.o pgIndex.o pgIndexConstrain
> t.o pgLanguage.o pgObject.o pgOperator.o pgOperatorClass.o pgRole.o
> pgRule.o pgSchema.o pgSequence.o pgServer.o pgTable.o p
> gTablespace.o pgTrigger.o pgType.o pgUser.o pgView.o pgDatatype.o
> pgaJob.o pgaStep.o pgaSchedule.o dlgJob.o dlgSchedule.o d
> lgStep.o xh_sqlbox.o xh_calb.o xh_timespin.o xh_ctlcombo.o
> ctlSecurityPanel.o ctlComboBox.o ctlTree.o calbox.o timespin.o c
> tlListView.o ctlSQLBox.o ctlSQLResult.o explainCanvas.o explainShape.o
> dlgEditGridOptions.o dlgConnect.o dlgHbaConfig.o dlg
> MainConfig.o dlgSelectConnection.o frmExport.o frmAbout.o
> frmIndexcheck.o frmMain.o frmOptions.o frmPassword.o frmQuery.o f
> rmHelp.o frmSplash.o frmMaintenance.o frmBackup.o frmRestore.o
> frmGrantWizard.o frmEditGrid.o frmStatus.o frmUpdate.o frmCo
> nfig.o frmHbaConfig.o frmMainConfig.o frmHint.o dlgProperty.o dlgUser.o
> dlgServer.o dlgGroup.o dlgDatabase.o dlgLanguage.o
> dlgSchema.o dlgDomain.o dlgTable.o dlgTablespace.o dlgColumn.o
> dlgIndex.o dlgFunction.o dlgView.o dlgRule.o dlgRole.o dlgOp
> erator.o dlgAggregate.o dlgCast.o dlgConversion.o dlgIndexConstraint.o
> dlgForeignKey.o dlgSequence.o dlgTrigger.o dlgType.o
>  dlgCheck.o sysSettings.o sysProcess.o misc.o utffile.o pgconfig.o
> update.o slCluster.o slNode.o slPath.o slListen.o slSet.
> o slSequence.o slTable.o slSubscription.o dlgRepCluster.o dlgRepNode.o
> dlgRepListen.o dlgRepPath.o dlgRepSet.o dlgRepSequen
> ce.o dlgRepTable.o dlgRepSubscription.o xrcDialogs.o   -lssl -lcrypto
> -lpq -L/usr/local/lib -pthread   -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lw
> x_gtk2u_xrc-2.6 -lwx_gtk2u_qa-2.6 -lwx_gtk2u_html-2.6 -lwx_gtk2u_adv-2.6
> -lwx_gtk2u_core-2.6 -lwx_baseu_xml-2.6 -lwx_baseu_
> net-2.6 -lwx_baseu- 2.6  -L/usr/local/lib -pthread   -L/usr/X11R6/lib
> -lwx_gtk2u_stc-2.6 -lwx_gtk2u_ogl-2.6 -lwx_baseu-2.6
> pgAdmin3.o: In function `frmDlgTest::frmDlgTest()':
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x8c5): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x8de): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x97a): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0xa3c): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0xbae): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.o:pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0xdd5): more undefined references to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, u
> nsigned int)' follow
> pgAdmin3.o: In function `pgAdmin3::OnInit()':
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x1455): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int, wchar_t const*, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x1471): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int, wchar_t const*, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x148d): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int, wchar_t const*, unsigned int)'
> pgAdmin3.cpp:(.text+0x14a9): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::ConcatSelf(unsigned int, wchar_t const*, unsigned int)'
> --- snip ---
> ~10K lines of error messages
> --- snip ---
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp: (.text+0x133b): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1373): undefined reference to
> `wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x13a3): undefined reference to
> `wxLocale::GetString(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*) const'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x13c2): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1426): undefined reference to
> `operator+(wchar_t const*, wxString const&)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1437): undefined reference to
> `operator+(wxString const&, wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x150f): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1534): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x155b): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x157f): undefined reference to
> `wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp: (.text+0x1656): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigne
> d int)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1851): undefined reference to
> `wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.text+0x1873): undefined reference to
> `wxXmlResource::GetXRCID(wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.o:(.gnu.linkonce.r._ZTV18dlgRepSubscription[vtable
> for dlgRepSubscription]+0x274): undefined reference t
> o `wxWindow::ApplyToolTip(_GtkTooltips*, wchar_t const*)'
> dlgRepSubscription.o: In function `dlgRepSubscription::GetHelpPage() const':
> dlgRepSubscription.cpp:(.gnu.linkonce.t._ZNK18dlgRepSubscription11GetHelpPageEv[dlgRepSubscription::GetHelpPage()
> const]+0x
> 18): undefined reference to `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*,
> unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> xrcDialogs.o: In function `InitXmlResource()':
> xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x22): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x3f): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0xd4): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x119): undefined reference to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned int, unsigned int)'
> xrcDialogs.o:xrcDialogs.cpp:(.text+0x1ce): more undefined references to
> `wxStringBase::InitWith(wchar_t const*, unsigned in
> t, unsigned int)' follow
> /usr/local/lib/libwx_gtk2u_ogl- <>: undefined
> reference to `wxStringList::Add(wchar_t const*)'
> /usr/local/lib/ <>: undefined
> reference to `wxFopen(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*)'
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[2]: *** [pgadmin3] Error 1
> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3- 1.4.2/src'
> make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/install/pgadmin3-1.4.2'
> make: *** [all] Error 2


"... the small primitive tribes joined up and became huge, powerful
primitive tribes with more sophisticated weapons."
  -- Terry Pratchett, Small Gods