Thread: pgAgent problems

pgAgent problems

"Benjamin Krajmalnik"
I am having problems with pgAgent.
I installed the seervice with the following command:
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin>"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin\pgAgent" INSTALL pgAgent -u postgres -p postgres -t 60 hostaddr= dbname=postgres user=postgres
In the services, the path to executable is set as follows:
C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin\pgAgent RUN pgAgent -t 60 hostaddr= dbname=postgres user=postgres
The directory where pgAgent is located is not on the path.
I scheduled a job - everything looks correct.
The job shows up as scheduled for the next execution time.
I checked the pgagent schema in the postgres database (which is the one specified in the connection), and I see the job, steps, etc.
The information for the job is as follows:
Name:  ishield - calculate control limits
ID: 2
Enabled: yes
Host Agent:  left blank
Job Class: Data Summarisation
Created: 4/5/2006 10:06:26 AM
Changed: 4/5/2006 10:06:26 AM
Next run: 4/5/2006 12:00:00 PM
Last Run:  blank
Last result: unknown
Running at: Not Currently Running
This job should have run at 12.  It is already past the scheduled time and the job has not run.
Any suggestions will be deeply appreciated.
The windows event log shows the service as having started successfully, but I see no additional logging.
Thanks in advance,

Re: pgAgent problems

Dave Page
<font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><span style="font-size:12.0px"><br /><br /><br /> On 5/4/06 19:18, "Benjamin
Krajmalnik"<> wrote:<br /><br /></span></font><blockquote><span style="font-size:12.0px"><font
face="Arial">Iam having problems with pgAgent.<br /> I installed the seervice with the following command:<br
/></font><fontface="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><br /></font><font face="Arial">C:\Program
Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin>"C:\ProgramFiles\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin\pgAgent" INSTALL pgAgent -u postgres -p postgres -t 60
hostaddr= user=postgres<br /></font><font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><br /></font><font
face="Arial">Inthe services, the path to executable is set as follows:<br /></font><font face="Verdana, Helvetica,
Arial"><br/></font><font face="Arial">C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin\pgAgent RUN pgAgent -t 60 hostaddr=
dbname=postgresuser=postgres<br /></font><font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><br /></font><font face="Arial">The
directorywhere pgAgent is located is not on the path.<br /></font><font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><br
/></font><fontface="Arial">I scheduled a job - everything looks correct.<br /> The job shows up as scheduled for the
nextexecution time.<br /> I checked the pgagent schema in the postgres database (which is the one specified in the
connection),and I see the job, steps, etc.<br /></font><font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><br /></font><font
face="Arial">Theinformation for the job is as follows:<br /> Name:  ishield - calculate control limits<br /> ID: 2<br
/>Enabled: yes<br /> Host Agent:  left blank<br /> Job Class: Data Summarisation<br /> Created: 4/5/2006 10:06:26 AM<br
/>Changed: 4/5/2006 10:06:26 AM<br /> Next run: 4/5/2006 12:00:00 PM<br /> Last Run:  blank<br /> Last result:
unknown<br/> Running at: Not Currently Running<br /> Comment: <br />  <br /> This job should have run at 12.  It is
alreadypast the scheduled time and the job has not run.<br /> Any suggestions will be deeply appreciated.<br /> The
windowsevent log shows the service as having started successfully, but I see no additional logging.<br />  <br
/></font></span></blockquote><spanstyle="font-size:12.0px"><font face="Arial">If you reinstall the service with –l 2 as
anextra option, then schedule a new job there should be a load of extra debug data in the event log to tell us what’s
goingwrong. <br /><br /> One thing that does spring to mind is that you didn’t mention how the agent authenticates to
thedatabase – have you setup a pgpass.conf file in your postgres user’s %APPDATA% directory, or granted trusted access
inpg_hba.conf?<br /><br /> Regards, Dave.<br /></font></span><blockquote><span style="font-size:12.0px"><font
face="Arial"><br/>  <br /></font><font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><br /><br /></font></span></blockquote><span
style="font-size:12.0px"><fontface="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><br /></font></span>