Thread: bug report: pgadmin not responding while creating indexes

bug report: pgadmin not responding while creating indexes

Hi all,

I'm experiencing some problems with Pgadmin 1.4.1 on a Pg 8.0.5(Yes I know I've
to patch)

I'm creating an index on a table which already contains large volume of data. I
use the "Create index" feature available into the right-click menu on the
indexes list of a table.
Even if I'm convinced it takes time and that it's the source of the issue, the
problem is that pgadmin is freezed during the operation and it get the hand
back when the query is done.
This bug report is now more like an enhancement query than a real bug

Would it be possible to execute this operation in a separate thread like used
for *real* queries?

Keep up the good job guys!



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