Thread: COPY permission problem - Windows XP

COPY permission problem - Windows XP

Whenever I try to perform a COPY command (even as superuser), I get the
following error message:

ERROR:  could not open file "Z:\myfile.out" for reading: Permission denied

(the file is otherwise freely readable/writable to any user in Windows!) 

I am using Perl-DBI Programs to access the database, and cannot just switch
to the "\copy" command since it is not supported using the Perl DBI database
driver (as far as I know).

The file I want to access has been generated with the same Perl Program just
before I try to copy it into the database...

(I am working with a Windows XP PSQL 8.1 installation.)

There's another posting like this in the Pgadmin support archives, but there
the issue has not been really solved. They just suggested to use the \copy
command instead, what is not possible for me!

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