Thread: enhancement request: add drop cascade to columns

enhancement request: add drop cascade to columns

Harald Armin Massa
hello,<br /><br />after playing with inheritance of tables to find some use for the new constraint_checks table
partitioning,I found myself in need of dropping one column.<br /><br />Within the tree it is possible to drop cascade
formany objects, but not yet for colums. <br /><br />So I ask for the orthogonality enhancement of allowing "drop
cascade"for columns.<br /><br />ALTER TABLE XXXX DROP COLUMN <whatever> cascade;<br clear="all" /><br /><br
/>harald<br/>-- <br />GHUM Harald Massa<br /> persuadere et programmare<br />Harald Armin Massa<br />Reinsburgstraße
202b<br/>70197 Stuttgart<br />0173/9409607