Thread: Re: pgAdmin III 1.2.2 edit grid crashes with single-column

Re: pgAdmin III 1.2.2 edit grid crashes with single-column

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Dr. Harald Fricke
> Sent: 24 October 2005 09:34
> To:
> Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] pgAdmin III 1.2.2 edit grid
> crashes with single-column
> Dave Page wrote:
> >
> >>-----Original Message-----
> (...)
> >>Hello all,
> >>I have got a strange problem with pgAdmin III 1.2.2 on
> >>Windows XP SP2.
> >>I've got a table with only one column (also primary key) of type
> >>varchar. pgAdmin crashes every time I insert a new row in the
> >>edit grid,
> >>either when hitting enter or pressing the store button. The crash
> >>actually happens after committing the change. The new data is
> >>there when
> >>I restart pgAdmin.
> >>
> >>Can anybody reproduce this?
> >
> >
> > Not on 1.4 beta 3. Can you give that a try please?
> (...)
> On my computer, 1.4 beta 3 crashes too.

Hmm - can you post your full table definition please, including any
foreign keys and referenced tables?

> I also get a warning
> in slightly
> broken German that my server is running on Windows and cannot handle
> UTF8 correctly. The server is 8.0.1 running on Novell SLES 9.

The incorrect server detection is fixed in SVN. The broken German would
be our, umm, German lead programmer, Andreas :-(

Regards, Dave

Re: pgAdmin III 1.2.2 edit grid crashes with single-column

"Dr. Harald Fricke"

>>>>I've got a table with only one column (also primary key) of type
>>>>varchar. pgAdmin crashes every time I insert a new row in the
>>>>edit grid,
> Hmm - can you post your full table definition please, including any
> foreign keys and referenced tables?
Well, after fiddeling with that for about 2 hours I'm positively
puzzled. It looks like a random memory corruption problem that is not
easily reproducible.

1. (V 1.2.2) The original problem also occurs on another computer when
accessing the original database. So it is not just my (client) computer
acting up.

2. (V1.4.0b3) I have created a test table with:

-- drop table t;
create table t(v varchar(64) primary key) without oids;
COMMENT ON TABLE t IS 'Betriebssystem-Namen für Auswahlliste';

On the first attempt, the edit grid refused to insert data and
complained about an syntax error at ')' at character 15.
I dropped and re-created the table and after that, the edit grid worked
and continued to work. I have not been able to reproduce this behaviour.

3. (V1.4.0b3) The problem goes away when I export the database and
recreate it (on the same server, but with a different name). The tables
in the original database still do not work.

4. (V1.4.0b3) If I cannot insert data, deleting from the edit grid also
crashes pgAdmin.

5. (V1.4.0b3) The original table definition, as shown by pgAdmin, is
(  name varchar(64) NOT NULL,  CONSTRAINT osnames_name_pkey PRIMARY KEY (name)
COMMENT ON TABLE osnames IS 'Betriebssystem-Namen für Auswahlliste'

6. (unrelated, has been mentioned in another thread too) Backup does not
work with V1.4.0b3. It looks as if pgAdmin tries to spawn another
process to do the pg_dump, but the name of the command is missing from
the command line. pgAdmin crashes after the attempt. This suggests a
sprintf() pointer problem while assembling the command line.

I'm sorry, but I am unable to narrow the problem down any further.


Harald Fricke