Thread: Trouble Restoring Database with Postgis Geometry

Trouble Restoring Database with Postgis Geometry

Johan Wehtje
I am running Postgresql 8.03 on Windows XP proffessional installed with 1.04 Postgis.<br /><br /> I have a Database
thatI wanted to restore to another machine with an identical Postgresql installation.<br /><br /> Creating the Dumpfile
proceedssmoothly, but when I try to restore PgAdmin hangs.<br /><br /> The Database has 2 schemas - public and a schema
calledshapes wich contains exclusively Postgis geometry tables created originally using the shapefile loader, but
modfiedwith additional attributes. <br /><br /> It appears to be the second schema that is causing the problem, when I
reconnectI find that the Public schema appeared to get created, though tables that had Geometry colunms are missing
them,but the Shapes Schema gets created but is completely empty.<br /><br /> The original database was encoded in SQL
Ascii- and I did initially try to use the dump restore to create a UTF8 version of the databse, but I get the same
problemwhen try to restore into a SQL Ascii Database. <br /><br /> I have restoring this Databse using Plain,
Compresssed,Tar - I have tried restoring on the same machine, I have tried restoring to Postgres 8.1 Beta 2 using
PgAdmin1.4.2 Beta 2, I have tried restoring to a Linux box on the network also running 8.03 installed from source. I
havetried using PgAdmin on 4 different machines on my Network. All to no avail, each time I have created a fresh
dump.<br/><br /> I cannot see anything wrong with the tables in the shapes schema - I have applications in MS Access,
Arcviewwith SAFE connector, Autocad Map, Quantum GIS and GRASS. All have no trouble with the shape tables. Given that
thereare 340 tables I ma not looking forward to trying to do thsi table by table.<br /><br /> It is difficult to see
theVerbosemessages and see what is happening as PgAdmin is in a hung state and the Restore window is unresponsive.<br
/><br/> Cheers<br /> Johan Wehtje<br />