Pierre Racine wrote:
> Hi,
> I just hit twice the delete button on a function I spent two days
> writing (without backing it up. I know... I know...). Is there a way
> to recover it?
Ahm, there's the security question, which asks for confirmation (which
may be disabled for people like me who newwer pressss da wrong kay :-)
A dropped object is dropped, but (as any row in a table) is still
physically present until VACUUMed. In theory, the XID could be tuned
back (by hacking the kernel), but I doubt it's worth the trouble.
> A simple garbage would do the job. I don't know many software now that
> do not implement a sort of simple mecanism to recover what we threw
> away by mistake...
Not this kind of stuff. The object tree is not an editor, but a
structured view of database content. We're executing "DROP FUNCTION
dontDropMe()" and that's it.
Happy recoding...