Thread: ...


Aris Aridis
I have the following problem.
I create a new DB and when I open it there are no functions available in thwe functions list of PgAdminIII. I used the typical congiguration procedure. I use it with PostgreSQL 8.0.3 and Suse Linux 9.3 Pro.
Thank you very much. Any help would be appreciated.

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"Tino Didriksen"
Aris Aridis said:
> I create a new DB and when I open it there are no functions available in
> thwe functions list of PgAdminIII. I used the typical congiguration
> procedure. I use it with PostgreSQL 8.0.3 and Suse Linux 9.3 Pro.

This is normal pgsql behavior as the functions list is for custom
functions. A fresh DB starts off with 0 of everything (unless the template
was modified).

Which ones did you expect to be there?

-- Tino Didriksen