Thread: Runtime error on Redhat 9.0

Runtime error on Redhat 9.0

Jeremy Palmer

I successfully compiled lastest cvs version of pgadmin3 on Redhat 9.0 with 
wxwidgets 2.6.1. wxWidgets was configured and compiled as per pgadmin website 
install directions.

I used used the following configure options for pgadmin3: 

./configure --enable-static --enable-debug prefix=/usr

I get pgadmin to load up fine however when try to add a server connection I get 
a wxAssert failure. I have attached the debug log:

2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Creating a pgServer object
2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Attempting to create a connection object...
2005-07-07 17:32:29 STATUS : Connecting to database without password...
2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Creating pgConnBase object
2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Server name: localhost (resolved to:
2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Opening connection with connection string: 
host='localhost' hostaddr='' dbname='crsaudit' user='postgres' 
2005-07-07 17:32:29 QUERY  : Set query (localhost:5432): SET 
DateStyle=ISO;SELECT oid, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) AS encoding, 
datlastsysoid FROM pg_database WHERE datname='crsaudit'
2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Creating pgSetBase object
2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Setting client_encoding to 'SQL_ASCII'
2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Destroying pgSetBase object
2005-07-07 17:32:29 QUERY  : Scalar query (localhost:5432): SELECT version();
2005-07-07 17:32:29 QUERY  : Query result: PostgreSQL 8.0.2 on i686-pc-linux-
gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5)
2005-07-07 17:32:29 QUERY  : Set query (localhost:5432): SELECT proname, 
pronargs, proargtypes[0] AS arg0, proargtypes[1] AS arg1, proargtypes[2] AS arg2 FROM pg_procWHERE proname IN 
('pg_tablespace_size', 'pg_file_read', 'pg_logfile_rotate', 'pg_postmaster_start
time', 'pg_postmaster_start_time', 'pg_terminate_backend', 'pg_reload_conf')
2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Creating pgSetBase object
2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Destroying pgSetBase object
2005-07-07 17:32:29 QUERY  : Set query (localhost:5432): SELECT usecreatedb, 
usesuper, CASE WHEN usesuper THEN pg_postmaster_starttime() ELSE NULL END as 
upsince FROM pg_user WHERE usename=current_user
2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Creating pgSetBase object
2005-07-07 17:32:29 INFO   : Destroying pgSetBase object
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:29 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : Empty addr2line output?
2005-07-07 17:32:30 DEBUG  : src/generic/treectlg.cpp(979): 
assert "wxAssertFailure" failed: invalid tree item

Call stack:
[05] wxStackWalker::Walk(unsigned)           
[06] 0x085e684c
[07] 0x085e69d3
[08] wxAppConsole::OnAssert(wchar_t const*, int, wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*)
[09] wxApp::OnAssert(wchar_t const*, int, wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*)
[10] wxOnAssert(wchar_t const*, int, wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*)
[11] wxAssert(int, wchar_t const*, int, wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*)
[12] wxGenericTreeCtrl::SetItemImage(wxTreeItemId const&, int, wxTreeItemIcon)
[13] pgServer::Connect(frmMain*, bool, wxString const&)
[14] frmMain::OnAddServer(wxCommandEvent&)   
[15] wxAppConsole::HandleEvent(wxEvtHandler*, void (wxEvtHandler::*)(wxEvent&), 
wxEvent&) const
[16] wxEvtHandler::ProcessEventIfMatches(wxEventTableEntryBase const&, 
wxEvtHandler*, wxEvent&)
[17] wxEventHashTable::HandleEvent(wxEvent&, wxEvtHandler*)
[18] wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent(wxEvent&)    
[19] wxWindowBase::TryParent(wxEvent&)       
[20] wxEvtHandler::ProcessEvent(wxEvent&)    
[21] wxToolBarBase::OnLeftClick(int, bool)   
[22] 0x08502d41
[23] __float128                              
[24] __float128                              
[25] 0x404b1983

Thanks Jeremy

Re: Runtime error on Redhat 9.0

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Jeremy Palmer
> Sent: 07 July 2005 06:45
> To:
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] Runtime error on Redhat 9.0
> Hi,
> I successfully compiled lastest cvs version of pgadmin3 on
> Redhat 9.0 with
> wxwidgets 2.6.1. wxWidgets was configured and compiled as per
> pgadmin website
> install directions.
> I used used the following configure options for pgadmin3:
> ./configure --enable-static --enable-debug prefix=/usr
> I get pgadmin to load up fine however when try to add a
> server connection I get
> a wxAssert failure. I have attached the debug log:

Hmm, haven't seen that one before. Does it appear to work correctly if
you configure wx and pgAdmin without debug (you might need
--disable-debug unless you start from clean tarballs).

Regards, Dave.