Thread: change size of geometry POINT

change size of geometry POINT

w m
If i create a shapefile form a postgresql database and define the geometry to be point, is it possible to change the size of that point. what if the point appears too small on a map once i use the shp file, is there a way to change the size?

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Re: change size of geometry POINT

Andreas Pflug
w m wrote:
> Hi,
> If i create a shapefile form a postgresql database and define the 
> geometry to be point, is it possible to change the size of that point. 
> what if the point appears too small on a map once i use the shp file, is 
> there a way to change the size?

Apart from the fact that you're asking on the wrong list (try at 
postgis), a point doesn't have a size, is a matter of the program you're 
using how it is displayed (i.e. which diameter, making it a circle, not 
a point). So the answer is no.
