Thread: Font rendering on labels and widget resizing

Font rendering on labels and widget resizing

David Ford
[please CC me on replies]


I've a bit of a problem with pgadmin3.  I just installed v1.0.2 on my
Gentoo system.  I don't yet have any wacky fonts, just the standard X
fonts from Xorg.

Problem #1, the labels are too big for their containers and are sitting
"low in the water", i.e. the text is shifted down on the widget causing
the lower 1/2 of it to be chopped off.

Problem #2, the options dialog for setting preferences is not
resizable.  I'm not sure if there are any more options on this dialog
but the bottom option that I can just barely see the top of, is "Show
object properties on double click".  The text on the buttons at the
bottom is shoved down and chopped off.

Problem #3, the maintenance dialog is not resizable, the maintenance
operation words are too big, they overflow their areas and overwrite
their neighbors or are chopped off by bounding.  The "VACUUM option"
statement is chopped off, it has three check boxes under it and the
"ANALYZE" word is almost chopped off.  Beneath that is a check box that
starts with what I'm assuming is "Mark" or "Mask", but the words are
completely chopped off save for the top line of pixels on the words.
Maybe it says "Mark new messages"?  The messages text area is too tall
for it's widget, the lower rows of text are chopped off by the
bounding.  Again here the buttons on the bottom have the lower part of
their text chopped off.

Problem #4, Connect to a Server dialog.  Here the text boxes have the
lower part of the words chopped off.  The labels to their left are
chopped off on their tails.  I.e. "Initial data" and "base" is missing
but the b is partially visible.  Again the buttons on the bottom are
chopped.  Not resizable, etc.

Problem #5, the View Data dialog is resizable, however the column titles
are missing the column type due to being chopped off.

Problem #6, the Help web browser is a bit frustrating.  Everything is
centered on the page and the top half, i.e. the list of lists and search
area, is non-functional.

That being said, pgadmin has come a long way and it's nicely useful in
the 30 minutes I've been looking at it this evening.  I do have two
suggestions that would make it easier for [me] to use.

1. In the manual query areas, allow pressing of ctrl-enter or similar to
execute the query
2. Allow hiding/masking of the tree except for the area you're working
on.  I.e. I only want to see Database->tables portion and below.  I
don't need to see the whole tree that is above this particular database
that I'm working on.  I'd like to mask everything but the list of
tables.  Some sort of button that would hide all tree elements above the
currently highlighted element would do the trick.

Thank you for the impressive work thus far :)



Re: Font rendering on labels and widget resizing

Andreas Pflug
David Ford wrote:
> [please CC me on replies]
> 'Howdy,
> I've a bit of a problem with pgadmin3.  I just installed v1.0.2 on my 
> Gentoo system.  I don't yet have any wacky fonts, just the standard X 
> fonts from Xorg.

Use a 1.1 snapshot, is has vastly improved font handling.
