Thread: Re: Error Message: ERROR: CREATE USER: permission denied

Re: Error Message: ERROR: CREATE USER: permission denied

"Ben Trewern"
I don't think this is a pgAdmin problem.  You need to log in as a superuser 
account to create a user.  The superuser is usually called postgres in a 
standard PostgreSQL install although any user can be made a superuser (See 


CREATE USER <username>;

via psql or the sql window in pgAdmin to see if that does it.


>From: "Lorena" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: [pgadmin-support] Error Message: ERROR:  CREATE USER: permission 
>Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 11:02:05 -0500
>-- System Information --
>Platform: Windows 2000
>Version: 5.0
>Build: 2195 Service Pack 4
>-- Application Information --
>Name: pgAdmin II
>Version: 1.6.0
>Name: pgSchema
>Version: 1.6.0
>Descripton: PostgreSQL Schema Objects v1.6.0
>-- Database Information --
>Version: 7.2.1
>Descripton: PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on i686-pc-winnt-msdev, compiled by msdev 6.0
>-- Driver Information --
>Name: PostgreSQL
>Version: 7.3.100
>Descripton: PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on i686-pc-winnt-msdev, compiled by msdev 6.0
>-- Error Information --
>Description: ERROR:  CREATE USER: permission denied
>Number: -2147467259
>Routine: pgAdmin II:frmUser.cmdOK_Click
>Insert your comment
>please send me an answer of this error because i�m youst starting to use 
>this sw and i really need to create and work with databases, my email is 
>  or you can contact me at, 
>i will be greatfull if you can help me.

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