Thread: PGAdmin will not connect

PGAdmin will not connect

"Jeff Cave"
I feel a little stupid because I know this is the exact same problem I had on my windows box. The problem is, I don't
knowhow I fixed it and I can't find the conversation in the archives. 

Hopefully someone here can help me (again).

I have postgreSQL up and running on my slackware linux box. I have pgAdmin III up and running on that same box. I
cannotget the two of them talking to one another. 

I can work on the databases through psql, but when I attempt to connect using pgAdmin, I get an error:

--- SNIP ---
An error has occured:

Error coknnecting to the server: coun not connect to server:
Connection refused Is the server running on host "" and accepting  TCP/IP connections on port 5423?
--- SNIP ---

I know that on my windows box, it was a problem with the pg_hba.conf. There was a problem with the configuration there,
soI copied the windows pg_hba.conf over to my linux box. No change. Grr... 

I also tried starting the server with the -i option (which wasn't there originally). That didn't seem to help.

I'm not sure what the problem is. If someone has an idea of what I am doing wrong, let me know. I'm willing to start
fromscratch if I have to... 

--- pg_hba.conf ---
host    all         all   trust

local   all         all                                             trust
host    all         all       trust
host    all         all           trust
host    all         all           trust
host    all         all   trust
--- pg_hba.conf ---

Re: PGAdmin will not connect

Andreas Pflug
Jeff Cave wrote:

>  Is the server running on host "" and accepting 
>  TCP/IP connections on port 5423?
>--- SNIP ---
Is the server accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?!?

I bet it's not. (tcpip_socket=true in postgresql.conf)


Re: PGAdmin will not connect

"Jeff Cave"
No... That wasn't it.


Rebooted my computer (I know it was probably overkill, but did anyway), and there was no change. Still cannot get
pgAdminto connect. Still getting the same error. 

-----Original Message-----
From:    Andreas Pflug
Sent:    Sat 3/6/2004 3:04 AM

Jeff Cave Wrote:
>  Is the server running on host "" and accepting
>  TCP/IP connections on port 5423?

Is the server accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?!?

I bet it's not. (tcpip_socket=true in postgresql.conf)


Re: PGAdmin will not connect

Michiel Lange
what does your pg_hba.conf say about alowing hosts? Is your host allowed 
to connect to the database?
Read your logfile and see if there's something that gives a clue as to 
why it won't allow the host...

Could also have something to do with encryption? is a certain way of 
encryption required and could it be that pgAdmin does not support it?
(would give the bad user/password error, but it's worth the try)

If you're not certain where the fault is, try this checklist
On the database machine itself:
- connect to the database locally (if it's ok, the postmaster is running)
- telnet localhost 5432 (do you get a 'connected' status (but otherwise 
no good info, for telnet is not psql ;-)) the database accepts socket 
- telnet <your ip> 5432 (same as above, but the postmaster will see you 
as from your local IP, and not localhost)
From the client:
- ping <db server> : going OK? Your network is OK
- telnet <dbserver> 5432: going OK? You can reach the postmaster, so 
there's no problems with the database...

if all of these tests were succesfull, you should really check your 
logfile for clues as to what went wrong.
A linux / unix way of checking out what's going on:
tail -f logfile
<try to connect> and see what new lines appear in the log...

Hope it helps you on your way...

Jeff Cave wrote:

>No... That wasn't it.
>Rebooted my computer (I know it was probably overkill, but did anyway), and there was no change. Still cannot get
pgAdminto connect. Still getting the same error.
>-----Original Message-----
>From:    Andreas Pflug
>Sent:    Sat 3/6/2004 3:04 AM
>Jeff Cave Wrote:
>> Is the server running on host "" and accepting 
>> TCP/IP connections on port 5423?
>Is the server accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?!?
>I bet it's not. (tcpip_socket=true in postgresql.conf)
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: PGAdmin will not connect

"Jeff Cave"
Sorry it took so long, but I wanted to check a couple of things and read the manual after the results of this test. I
willread the log file when I get off work today, but it looks like I'm not even being given a connection by postmaster. 

> what does your pg_hba.conf say about alowing hosts? Is your host allowed
> to connect to the database?

I believe so, here a copy of the relevant lines:

--- pg_hba.conf ---
local   all         all                                             trust
local   all         all       trust
host    all         all       trust
local   all         all           trust
host    all         all           trust
--- pg_hba.conf ---

I have modified it to allow everything (I think), so long as it is coming from my internal network.

> telnet localhost 5432 (do you get a 'connected' status (but otherwise
> no good info, for telnet is not psql ;-)) the database accepts socket
> connections)


That was a hit. It did not allow me to connect. I received an error indicating that I was unable to connect.

I checked a couple of things: I have the "-i" option, and the config file has "tcpip_socket=true". Not sure what to
checkafter that. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Michiel Lange
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2004 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] PGAdmin will not connect

what does your pg_hba.conf say about alowing hosts? Is your host allowed
to connect to the database?
Read your logfile and see if there's something that gives a clue as to
why it won't allow the host...

Could also have something to do with encryption? is a certain way of
encryption required and could it be that pgAdmin does not support it?
(would give the bad user/password error, but it's worth the try)

If you're not certain where the fault is, try this checklist
On the database machine itself:
- connect to the database locally (if it's ok, the postmaster is running)
- telnet localhost 5432 (do you get a 'connected' status (but otherwise
no good info, for telnet is not psql ;-)) the database accepts socket
- telnet <your ip> 5432 (same as above, but the postmaster will see you
as from your local IP, and not localhost)
From the client:
- ping <db server> : going OK? Your network is OK
- telnet <dbserver> 5432: going OK? You can reach the postmaster, so
there's no problems with the database...

if all of these tests were succesfull, you should really check your
logfile for clues as to what went wrong.
A linux / unix way of checking out what's going on:
tail -f logfile
<try to connect> and see what new lines appear in the log...

Hope it helps you on your way...