Thread: RV: error during pgadmin connection
Although using ping and ODBC connection tools, no error is reported, but it is when we try to use the window connection.
Following is the error message :
-- Error Information --
Description: Esta clase no admite Automatización o la interfaz esperada
Number: 430
Routine: pgAdmin II:frmConnect.cmdConnect_Click
Number: 430
Routine: pgAdmin II:frmConnect.cmdConnect_Click
What do we need to install on the pgsql database?
From: Guillermo Alejos Egoavil []
Sent: 14 January 2004 23:25
To: pgadmin-support
Subject: [pgadmin-support] RV: error during pgadmin connectionAlthough using ping and ODBC connection tools, no error is reported, but it is when we try to use the window connection.Following is the error message :-- Error Information --Description: Esta clase no admite Automatización o la interfaz esperada
Number: 430
Routine: pgAdmin II:frmConnect.cmdConnect_ClickWhat do we need to install on the pgsql database?
Normally that means you need to reinstall MDAC on the client. You might want to try pgAdmin III though - it neatly bypasses all the MDAC/ODBC dependencies.
Regards, Dave.