Thread: Incompatible encryption protocols using pg 7.3.4 / pgAdmin III?

Incompatible encryption protocols using pg 7.3.4 / pgAdmin III?

"Gene Quinn"

I am running pg 7.3.4, installed from RPM supplied by RedHat under RH Enterprise Server 3.x (beta)

I just installed pgAdmin III on a Windows 2000 box
When I attempt to connect to the server, I get:

Error connecting to server: FATAL: Password authentication failed for user "smith"

In the log files on the server, I find this:
LOG:  Password is stored MD5 encrypted.  'crypt' auth method cannot be used.
FATAL:  Password authentication failed for user "smith"

It would appear that the server expects MD5 encryption, while the client is using crypt. How does one configure pgAdmin
IIIto use MD5? 

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

