Thread: Web acces to pgAdminIII?

Web acces to pgAdminIII?

<p><font face="Arial" size="2">Hello …</font><p><font face="Arial" size="2">Sorry to bother .. I've used an older
versinof pgAdmin, that allowed web browser access to it's functions.</font><br /><font face="Arial" size="2">Does
VersionII only support X-windows interface under Red Hat 9, or can I access it via a browser?</font><p><font
face="Arial"size="2">I've not found references to it yet on the pgAdminIII page ..</font><p><font face="Arial"
size="2">Thanksfor your time,</font><p><font face="Arial" size="2">Dennis Hoshield</font><p><font face="Arial"
size="2">ObviouspgAdmin newbie</font> 

Re: Web acces to pgAdminIII?

"Dave Page"
Hi Dennis,
pgAdmin II supports Windows systems only. pgAdmin III will run on Windows 200/XP/2003, Linux, FreeBSD and probably other systems with minor work.I suspect you are thinking of phpPgAdmin which is a web based product. That can be found at
Regards, Dave.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis []
Sent: 09 September 2003 04:14
Subject: [pgadmin-support] Web acces to pgAdminIII?

Hello …

Sorry to bother .. I've used an older versin of pgAdmin, that allowed web browser access to it's functions.
Does Version II only support X-windows interface under Red Hat 9, or can I access it via a browser?

I've not found references to it yet on the pgAdminIII page ..

Thanks for your time,

Dennis Hoshield

Obvious pgAdmin newbie