Thread: Problem with plpython editing

Problem with plpython editing

"Luigi Lumento"
I'm writing to submit a problem on using pgadmin2 to write plpython functions. It didn' happen with pltcl.
When i write a function that is longer than one line of code, the server accepts its definition but isn't able to execute it due to a sintax error at the second line. I suppose it is because of linefeed/carriage return characters at the end of each line.
Hope the problem can be resolved.
Thank you.

Re: Problem with plpython editing

"Hiroshi Saito"
Dear Luigi Lumento.

----- Original Message -----

> I'm writing to submit a problem on using pgadmin2 to
> write plpython functions. It didn' happen with pltcl.
> When i write a function that is longer than one line of code,
> the server accepts its definition but isn't able to execute it due to
> a sintax error at the second line. I suppose it is because of
> linefeed/carriage return characters at the end of each line.
> Hope the problem can be resolved.

It is strange.

Will you try this?
Try to add this before the SQL practice of about the 32nd line.
.... ' change CRLF -> LF szSQL = Replace(szSQL, vbCrLf,  vbLf)
Set rsQuery = frmMain.svr.Databases(szDatabase).Execute(szSQL, , , qryUser)
Frank Lupo will apply it if this seems to be normal.
