Thread: Error Message

Error Message

"Yassin Idris"
-- System Information --

Platform: Windows 2000
Version: 5.0
Build: 2195 Service Pack 3

-- Application Information --

Name: pgAdmin II
Version: 1.5.60

Name: pgSchema
Version: 1.5.60
Descripton: PostgreSQL Schema Objects v1.5.60

-- Database Information --

Version: 7.2.3
Descripton: PostgreSQL 7.2.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96

-- Driver Information --

Name: PostgreSQL
Version: 7.3.100
Descripton: PostgreSQL 7.2.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96

-- Error Information --

Description: Type mismatch
Number: 13
Routine: pgAdmin II:frmMain.mnuPluginsPlg_Click


I following the instruction and installed the migration plugins.  But when ever I attempt to use the "DB migration wizard", I encounter the above error.  I am not able to proceed. 
How can I overcome this problem?  What is missing?  Any help is highly appreciated.
Yassin Idris

Re: Error Message

"Dave Page"
-----Original Message-----
From: Yassin Idris []
Sent: 14 July 2003 23:23
Subject: [pgadmin-support] Error Message

Description: Type mismatch
Number: 13
Routine: pgAdmin II:frmMain.mnuPluginsPlg_Click


I following the instruction and installed the migration plugins.  But when ever I attempt to use the "DB migration wizard", I encounter the above error.  I am not able to proceed. 
How can I overcome this problem?  What is missing?  Any help is highly appreciated.
It sounds like you have the wrong version of the plugin for your version of pgAdmin. Please make sure you downloaded the correct version.
Regards, Dave.

Re: Error Message

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Germano Rizzo []
> Sent: 14 July 2003 18:20
> To:
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] Error Message
> Description:     'Visible' property can't be set on this control
> Number:         387
> Routine:         pgAdmin II:basMisc.BuildPluginsMenu
> ************************************************************

Hi, can you please recreate this error with logging set to Full Debug
(under Tools -> Options), and send the resulting logfile?

Thanks, Dave.