Thread: BUG: pgAdmin III - file bugreport.html does not exist

BUG: pgAdmin III - file bugreport.html does not exist

"Matej Rizman"
Version: pgAdmin III 0.8.0 Devel (Jul 10 2003)

1) run pgAdmin III
2) Help->Bugreport

Shows dialog box: 
An error has occured:
Unable to open requested HTML document: file:D:\Downloads\PgAdminIII\.../bugreport.html

File bugreport.html indeed does not exist. 

Please note also different slashes (\ and /) in file path. 

Matej Rizman

Re: BUG: pgAdmin III - file bugreport.html does not exist

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matej Rizman []
> Sent: 13 July 2003 14:45
> To:
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] BUG: pgAdmin III - file
> bugreport.html does not exist
> Version: pgAdmin III 0.8.0 Devel (Jul 10 2003)
> Steps:
> 1) run pgAdmin III
> 2) Help->Bugreport
> Shows dialog box:
> An error has occured:
> Unable to open requested HTML document:
> file:D:\Downloads\PgAdminIII\.../bugreport.html

Thanks. I actually fixed that last night, but I think the whole help
system needs a redesign anyway to make it cleverer at finding files.
I'll hopefully do something on that tomorrow.

> Please note also different slashes (\ and /) in file path.

Doesn't actually matter as wxWindows allows us to use them
interchangably. It's not too tidy though...

Regards, Dave.