Thread: Error Message

Error Message

"Marcio Pugina"

-- System Information --

Platform:               Windows XP
Version:                5.1
Build:          2600

-- Application Information --

Name:           pgAdmin II
Version:                1.5.60

Name:           pgSchema
Version:                1.5.60
Descripton:     PostgreSQL Schema Objects v1.5.60

-- Database Information --

Version:                7.2.1
Descripton:     PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on i686-pc-winnt-msdev, compiled by msdev 6.0

-- Driver Information --

Name:           PostgreSQL
Version:                7.3.100
Descripton:     PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on i686-pc-winnt-msdev, compiled by msdev 6.0

-- Error Information --

Description:    ERROR:  DROP DATABASE: permission denied
Number:                 -2147467259
Routine:                pgAdmin II:basActions.Drop


Insert your comment:

Re: Error Message

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: frank_lupo []
> Sent: 29 May 2003 08:00
> To: Dave Page
> Cc: ian.brown; pgadmin-support; franklupo
> Subject: Re: [pgadmin-support] Error Message
> >>
> >> Hi Dave,
> >>
> >> I have an idea.
> >> In pgschema is to create a method to recive the keyword >reserved.
> >> When load pgadmin2 set pgschema using the keyword
> >definited on ctx.AutoHighlight
> >> In this way the user can add new keyword.
> >>
> >> Do you think?
> >>
> >Hmm, I see what you mean, however in theory pgSchema should >never
> >depend on part of pgAdmin. The idea was always that it >would
> >standalone if required.
> >
> >I suppose it could be a property of the server object that >pgAdmin
> >could set at startup (from ctx.Autohighlight).
> >
> >Regards, Dave.
> Hi Dave,
> it is true the pgschema must be independent.
> My idea is use the keyword defined in the ctx.Autohighlight
> to load in the property or Collection of pgschema on start
> pgadmin2. If You use the pgschema in independent mode, You
> add keyword manually.
> do you think?

Yes, that's what I meant above :-)

Regards, Dave.

Re: Error Message

"Dave Page"

Description:    ERROR:  DROP DATABASE: permission denied
Number:                 -2147467259
Routine:                pgAdmin II:basActions.Drop


Please see the first item at Unfortunately this is unlikely to get fix as it's Microsoft's MDAC that helpfully keeps the connections open in case we decide to re-open them.

Regards, Dave. 

Re: Error Message

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: chulsoo kim []
> Sent: 29 May 2003 02:01
> To:
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] Error Message
> -- Error Information --
> Description:     Could not connect to the serverB
> Could not connect to remote socket.
> Number:         -2147467259
> Routine:         pgAdmin II:frmConnect.cmdConnect_Click
> ************************************************************


Please check the troubleshooting guide at for details on resolving
this error.

Regards, Dave.

Re: Error Message

"Dave Page"

Description:    ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "public"
Number:                 -2147467259
Routine:                pgAdmin II:frmGroup.cmdOK_Click



Can you reproduce this error with logging turned on to Full Debug (under Tools -> Options) and send us the logfile please?

Regards, Dave.  

Re: Error Message

"Dave Page"
Hmm, works OK here. Can I have the debug log please?
Regards, Dave.
-----Original Message-----
From: Marcia Bussolaro []
Sent: 28 May 2003 18:53
To: Dave Page
Subject: RE: [pgadmin-support] Error Message

Hi Dave,

        The query is:
  codigo int2 NOT NULL,
  nome varchar(500),
  endereco varchar(500),
  tutu numeric(15, 2),
CONSTRAINT teste_pkey PRIMARY KEY (codigo)

        I click in "View Data", "Add" and I insert 2 records:
Code            Nome            Endereco        Tutu
1                                               10.2
2                                               10.25

        When I tried to insert record with code 3, appeared the error. Then, I tried to insert record with code 4 and then appear the error below.


At 16:19 28/05/2003 +0100, you wrote:


> Description:  ERROR:  pg_atoi: error in "4
> 3": can't parse "
> 3"
> Number:               -2147467259
> Routine:              pgAdmin II:frmSQLOutput.cmdSave_Click
> ************************************************************
> Insert your comment:
> 1) In the table doesn't exist code 3 or 4, only code 1 and 2.
> Code is a
> field that is a primary_key;

What was the SQL query in the dialogue? If cyou can reproduce it, please
send a full debug log of the error occuring (log settings are under
tools -> Options.

> 2) In the message box, if I click "Exit", the pgAdmin close
> !!! I tought
> that the message box would go to close :-)))

'Continue' makes it go away and carry on, 'Exit' exits the application.

Regards, Dave.